Chapter 7

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Quinn's POV

So far this summer going well. Puck and I are actually doing good in our relationship I'm surprise but I'm happy we stayed together after Beth was born I thought he would leave me but I thought wrong.

Shelby sends me pictures of Beth almost every week for a baby that is just 2 months now she's really beautiful like the other she sent me a picture of her smiling while Beth was sleeping and she looked like Puck I started to tear up when I saw that picture I miss her so much. I have my days were I wish I could of just kept her instead of giving her up but I know I did the right thing.

I was in our room looking at a picture of Beth when Puck came in.

"Hey babe" he said and walked over and kissed me

"Hey" I said with a smile

"So I have a surprise for you tonight" he said with a smirk

"Oh really?" I said raising my eyebrow

"Yeah so be ready around 7 " he said

I wonder what the surprise was I mean it could be anything. We haven't been that intimate since we been here so maybe he wants to do that tonight or maybe he just wanna do something nice now I'm over thinking what he has planned out.

I left my room and walked down to Rachel's but I went to Santana room first so we could have girl talk. I knocked on her door.

"Come in" Santana yelled and I walked in

"Hey Q what's up" she said as she sat up from the bed

"I just wanna have some girl talk so come on let's go with Rachel" I told her

"Fine but warning knock before you enter her room you never know what they might be doing" she joked as she got up from her bed

We walked down the hall and I knocked on her door.

"Who is it?" Rachel yelled out

"It's Quinn and Santana" I told her

"Okay hold up" she said

Finn opened the door for us and we walked in.

"Hey Frankenteen nice hickeys" Santana pointed out I just laughed

"Umm I'll leave you girls alone" he left the room embarrassed

"So what's up" Rachel said as she sat up and we sat on the bed with her

"Q wants girl talk" Santana said

"Do you guys happen to know what Puck has planned out for today?" I asked them

"No why?" Rachel asked confused

"Puck told me he has something a surprise for me tonight and he hardly does surprises" I said

"That's weird of him" Santana said

"Well he was in here last night talking to Finn but I couldn't hear what they were talking about I was in the bathroom and they were talking low so I guess they didn't want me to hear so when I got out Puck left I asked Finn what he wanted but he said it was nothing" Rachel said

"Frankenteen knows then" Santana said

"Do you wanna ask Finn or wanna be surprised?" Rachel asked

"I think I'll be surprised" I said with a smile

"Hey Rach you got some nice hickeys too" Santana pointed out

"Santana" Rachel said embarrassed

I was just laughing.

"Look I like to tease him and I can't help but to leave him hickeys and he does the same and short hair doesn't help to hide them" Rachel said blushing

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