Chapter 17

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Finns POV

So it's just Rachel,Santana,Sam,and I left in the cabin. Puck called me yesterday and he told me they went to see Beth for a week that Shelby invited them to spend a week with her and Kurt got home safe the other day.

I was in my room when Rachel walked in with a sandwich and a soda.

"Hey handsome I made you a sandwich" she said with a smile when she handed me the plate and soda

"Thanks babe" I said with smile

"Quinn texted me she said Beth is amazing and that she's a happy baby and that Puck is all smiles she's never seen him smile so much" she giggled

"It's cool how Shelby let them spend a week with her to know Beth" I said as I took a bite of my sandwich

"What are we going to do Finn it's just us four left and 2 weeks left of summer vacation" she said upset

"What do you wanna do then?" I asked her as I put the plate on the night stand

"I was talking to Santana last night and maybe it's best we go back home and spend these weeks with our families" she said

"Are you guys sure?" I asked her

"Yeah we're pretty sure besides this whole summer has been nothing but great the river, movies, the beach, clubs, and being here with you and our friends has been amazing" she said with a smile

"Okay so when do you wanna leave?" I asked with a smile

"How about on Friday?" She asked

"Sounds good since it's Monday do you wanna go camping Thursday all we have to do is pack our stuff on Wednesday and when we come back on Friday all our stuff is packed up" I said

"Yeah sounds good I can't wait" she said with a smile

"Where's Santana and Sam?" I asked curious

"Sam downstairs playing COD and Santana talking to Brittney on the phone" she said

"I'll go downstairs with Sam so he won't feel lonely" I said with a smile

"That or you just wanna beat him in zombies?" She said with a laugh

"You know me so well" I said and kissed her

I went downstairs and sat on the couch with Sam.

"Hey man" I said

"What up dude" he said

"Let's play some zombies" I told him

"Okay here" he said and handed me the controller

"Dude it's kinda of boring now" Sam said as we were playing

"I know I was talking to Rach about it so we're leaving Friday so we could spend these last 2 weeks with our family" I said

"Sounds good bro" he said

"But me and Rachel are going camping on Thursday so we'll be back on Friday morning to leave" I said

"You think you guys are finally going to do it?" He asked with a chuckle

"I hope so I really wanna make it special for her" I said

"Bro don't stress it over" he said

Rachel's POV

I was in my room starting to pack up even though it's Monday but still I'm just packing what I won't wear for these next few days and I'll just pack the rest on Wednesday.

I heard a knock on the door and I opened it I let Santana walk in.

"Hey San" I said with a smile

"Berry what are you doing packing don't tell me you're leaving too cause you can't leave me alone with Evans." she said freaking

"No Santana we're leaving on Friday so I'm just packing what I won't wear for these next few days" I said with a laugh

"That's not a bad idea Berry I'm going to do the same thing in a couple of minutes" she said as she folded some of my clothes

"So how's Brittney?" I asked her

"She's good she can't wait to see us but mostly me and we're going to make things official when I get back but I think I'll surprise her on Friday she doesn't know we're leaving early" she said with a smile

"I'm glad to hear that you guys are so cute together" I said with a smile

"So has anything happened with Frankenteen yet?" She asked with a smirk

"No Santana nothing has happened we're actually going camping on Thursday but we'll be back Friday morning to leave" I said

"Ohhh camping you think you guys well do it" Santana said

"I don't know I hope we do but I'm just scared it's going to hurt" I said

"Rach just don't think about that just relax and remember you're doing it with someone you love" she said with a smile

"You're right thanks San" I said with a smile

"Okay so I'm going back to my room to start packing so I'll see you later" she said with a smile

She got up from the bed and left the room.

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