Chapter 4- "you like what you see?"

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"Ivy wake up!" Nicky was shaking me.

My eyes felt so heavy when I opened them. I look around and everything is unfamiliar. Bedroom was dark, black bed and grey walls and I could smell man's perfume. "Where are we, Nicky?" I asked confused.

"Okay, so you know the guys from the band we meet last night? "


"We got way too drunk to go home last night, especially you. They live across the street from the place they were performing at so Loic offered us to stay."

"Oh my God, I didn't want to get so drunk, I'm sorry. Where are the girls from last night ?" Nicky started taking off her dress and changing into a huge black t-shirt.

"Caia and Anna are downstairs, they slept here too. While you were sleeping we were playing drinking games with boys. Caia made out with Damon, you should see how happy she was." She started giggling and her face turned red. "What are you not telling me?" I asked.

"I kinda hooked up with Jax, vocalist. We were watching tv in his room and it just happened. It was amazing Ivy, I really like him. I know it sounds stupid because I just met him but I don't know, he's different, there's something about him..."

"Fat bank account? " I asked jokingly. Nicky has been with a lot of guys and she's never been so excited about someone. He must be good in bed.

"Shut up!" We both started laughing and then we got interrupted with loud banging on the door.

"You girls up?" Said a familiar voice.

"Yeah, we're coming." Said Nicky and tossed me another large black shirt.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Loic, c' mon let's go eat." She said while I was taking my dress off.

When I changed we went downstairs, I didn't have any pants with me so I just wore a t-shirt, it was big enough.

This house is huge and everything here looks luxurious, high ceilin, marvel floors and stunning furniture. When we got in the kitchen I saw Loic, Jax, Damon, Anna, and Caia sitting at the big dining table. Caia is sitting next to Damon and she has a huge smile on her face. "Good morning sleepy head," Said Loic and pulled a chair next to him. "Morning," I said and took the seat. I looked up and saw Damon was staring at me. I could feel the heat on my face. "Looks good on you," he said and pointed on the shirt Nicky gave me.

"Thanks, I'm not sure who's is it but..."

" It's mine" he cut me off. " I'm sorry, I'll take it off." I started pulling the shirt off until I was just in my bra, then everyone started laughing. Oh my God, why did I do that? What is wrong with me? Am I still drunk?

I felt a hand on my thigh. "Go with me, I'll give you my shirt." Loic whispered. His face was inches away from mine. Does he know the definition of personal space?

"Wow, you didn't have to do that but I'm not complaining," said Damon, his eyes staring at my chest.

I turned red and put his shirt on again, I was about to get up when Loic took my hand.

"Let the girl go, she's clearly not interested." Said Jax mockingly to his friend. Loic rolled his eyes and started eating.

"Sit down and eat something, if you had eaten enough yesterday you wouldn't get so drunk," Said Damon. He looked pissed. Why does he care if I got drunk, he doesn't even know me.

"So what, she got drunk, big fucking deal." Said Caia upset for some reason.

"Maybe because I told him she's never been drunk before," Nicky told her, I could feel the tension rising.

Silence. No one sad word for a few minutes while we were eating.

"So how did you two got in the club last night, you're obviously underage." Said Loic braking the ice.

"Let's say Nicky has her ways." I said, she blushed and I started laughing.

"Oh, she definitely has." Said Jax and kissed her cheek.

"How old are you?" Anna asked me.

"I'm 18, you?" She looked like she's 16 but I know she's older than me.

"You looked older last night, without makeup you look your age, I'm 20," she said.

We all started talking about the band, and their tour, I didn't say much but I was listening the whole time, I was a little jealous, to be honest. I wish I had a job where I could travel to so many places and get paid.

I noticed that Damon was quite too and I could feel his eyes on me the whole time. He looked even better in the morning, his hair was all over the place and he was shirtless again. Now I could clearly see his tattoos. He had a huge Medusa tattoo on his chest. Her face was stunning and the whole tattoo was black except her green eyes.

He saw me staring at his chest and smirked.

"You like what you see?" He asked

"Umm, I like your tattoo," I said and pointed at his medusa tattoo.

"It's my favorite." He said and bite his lips. I wonder how would it be like to kiss him.

He saw me looking at his lips and smiled like he knew what I was thinking.

"Can you work your magic tonight again?" He asked Nicky.

"What's tonight?" She said

"We are performing again, you have to come," Jax said with a huge smile on his face.

"We're coming." She looked at me and whispered "please", I just nodded.

A half hour later we are in our apartment going through clothes.

"Don't kill me but I gave Damon your number."

"You did what?!?! Why?

"He asked me and also he said that I have to bring you with me."

"Okay I'm coming but nothing is gonna happened between us!"

"C' mon Ivy I saw how you look at him, you clearly like him." She said and smiled when she saw me blushing.
I was attracted to him but he is a player and I don't have time for that and I don't need drama in my life right now, I need to focus on my education.
"You said he made out with Caia last night."

"He had to, it was a dare and he obviously isn't into her, trust me." She was trying to convince me that he doesn't like Caia and I don't buy it.

"You know I don't stand a chance next to all those girls around him Nicky."

"Stop putting yourself down, stop comparing yourself to others, and stop being so negative. You are a masterpiece! "

I started tearing up and hugged her. Trough the years she was the one person who kept me going, only one who cared for me. Because of her I laughed a little harder, cry a little less, and smile a lot more.

"I love you!" I said and squeezed her tight.

"Love you too babe."

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