Chapter 9 - You changed

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"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked Jack who was sitting at the edge of my bed. I just woke up and find him staring at me.

"Sitting? " He smirked

"Why are you in my room?"

"I came to wake you up, your class starts in half an hour." He stands up and went to the door.

Fuck. How did I not heard my alarm?

"What would you do without me, Ivy." He said and left.

I went through my closet and picked blue jeans and a white t-shirt for today, I put my hair in a ponytail and applied a little bit of makeup.

"Morning," Nicky said when I came to the kitchen. She's sitting next to Dominic and eating toast. "Morning," I said.

"So when are you two planning to tell us why were you in the club last night, drinking," Jack said angrily

"None of your business love," Nicky said

"I expected it from you, but you.." he pointed at me. "Can't do things like that. You weren't drinking and going out back home." He said

"Yeah because wherever I'd go someone from our school would be there to remind me that I shouldn't be there." It made me not want to go out and I'd stay at home every weekend watching movies or reading books.

"Well, they were right, you don't belong to parties. After school, you should come right back home." Jack said and Dominic nodded.

"Are you crazy? Who do you think you are to tell me what to do? Nicky and I have plans after school anyways. We're not coming home." I said and Nicky looked at me confused. "We do?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said.

She just nodded releasing that I just said that because I don't want to go back here right away. I want to spend as little as I can time here.

"Where, with who?" Jack said as he came closer inches away from my face. What is his problem? He never cared about who I spend my time with before. Back home he couldn't wait to get rid of me, whenever I'd go to sleep at Nicky's house he'd be happy because he didn't want me there in the same house with him. Now he's acting as if he cares about me, I just want to know what kind of games is he playing now.

"Why do you care? " I asked and flinched back from him.

He was about to answer when Nicky asked: "what happened with you and Damon last night?" She smirked. OMG, she didn't just ask me that in front of them. I know she was doing that to piss him off but still... For some reason I didn't want those two to know that we kissed and that I kinda like him, they would find a way to ruin it for me or even worse tell them what happen back in highschool. Even though I'm mad at Damon for not telling me he has a girlfriend I still don't want him to think I'm a loser.

"Um... nothing. " I said

" Yeah, Ivy, what happened between you two?" Jack asked looking pissed now.

"We were just... umm, we were laying in that room next to backstage and we were talking. Nothing special," I said.

"Wow Ivy, few days in another city and you already changed." Said Dominic. "You're not as innocent as I thought you are." He winked at me. Ew.

"Like I said we were just talking so fuck off," I said and stormed out of the kitchen.

"We are talking about this later," Jack yelled after me.

"Nicky if we don't hurry up we're gonna be late for our class," I said.

"We're here, stop running, it starts in 5 minutes."

We entered the classroom and Damon and Loic were sitting back. Great my day couldn't start better. I hope he won't try to talk to me, I still feel awkward because we kissed and to be completely honest I think I suck at it, it was my first kiss and he didn't seem to care but I think he didn't say anything because he's polite.

Anyway, it didn't get less awkward when I saw him with that read head girl who was probably his girlfriend considering the way they were acting.

"Ivy, helloooo." Nicky waves in front of my head.

"Umm, yea?"

"What are you thinking about?" She looked worried.

"Damon and I kissed last night, but I think he has a girlfriend, that read head girl if you remember."

"Oh my god, what a dickhead. So he kissed you, and then introduced you to his girlfriend?" She looked pissed and glanced at Damon and Loic.

"No, she just came while we were getting drinks, he introduced me as Loic's friend." Eh, I'm still butthurt over that.

I turned around and saw that Damon is staring at me and I quickly turned back.

"Wow, I hate guys sometimes," Nicky said and rolled her eyes.

"You know what, after the class, we're going shopping," I said

"Yessss, you finally released that you have shit clothes," she said enthusiastically.

"Ok wow, no need for that, I like my clothes even tho I have to admit they are a bit dated," I said and she laughed loudly.

"And maybe tonight we could go somewhere and have fun, Caia told me that her friend is having a party, she invited us and I doubt Damon or your brother will be there, it's a small party." She said and looked at Damon again.

"Okay, I'm down."

"He's staring at you whole time." She said and flipped him off.

I turn to see him, he looked mad, I couldn't help I burst into laughter.

After the class we were heading towards the entry and Nicky is talking about her ex-boyfriend. "He's such an ass, we were in a relationship for 3 months, not 3 years. He broke up with me, so why does he want to be with me again now that I moved far away," she said and run her fingers through hair.

"I still don't understand why did he break up with you, he seemed to be so happy with you," I said

"I don't know, he said it's because he doesn't feel the same towards me anymore, but it's weird because the day before that he said he loves me. I just don't get it. And now he wants to be with me..." she frowned.

"do you think he broke up with you because you were moving to NY? And I remember you told me he said he would never do a long-distance relationship." She looked at me confused.

"That might be a case but why would he want to be with me now? I still live here, and as far as I know, he's not planning to move here."

"Who knows..." I said and she nodded.

"Hey" someone grabbed my hand.

Damon pulled me closer " Nicky, can I have a minute with her?"

She looked at me and I nodded. We walked toward his car, he stopped suddenly and looked at me "I'm sorry about last night, I was drunk and..." I rolled my eyes "It's okay, you don't have to apologize to me, the person you should apologize is your girlfriend." I said and he looked me like I've grown horns on my head. "She is not my girlfriend." He said and smirked.

"Well, whatever she is I don't care..." Wow bravo, Ivy you sure didn't sound like a jealous child right now.

"Mhmm, sure thing love," he winked and I felt the heat on my cheeks. Fuck. I don't want him to know how much he affects me.

"Listen, I have to go, give me your number, I'll call you tonight."

I grabbed his phone and typed my number "Why are you gonna call me tonight?"

He smiled softly "I heard you are coming to the party tonight, I'll pick you up."

Nicky started walking toward with bored expression on her face. "Okay then, see you tonight," I said and he entered his car and drove off.
I turned to walk towards Nicky when I found Jack standing next to her clenching his fists and looking pissed.

New update tommorow

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