Chapter 7- Mistake

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For the next hour, we stayed in the room, talking. He asked a lot of questions about me and my life, I told him that I never had any friends except Nicky and that I'm not much of a party girl. He looked surprised and told me that he thought the opposite about me.

I told him a lot about my self but I didn't mention the home situation or anything about my stepbrother. That's too much information for someone I barely know and whenever I'd ask something about him he'd change the subject. The only thing I know about him is that he hates college but he'll still go and finished it, his only passion is playing drums.

"I'd never think that you didn't have any friends in high school." He said

"Well, it wasn't always like that." Before my stepmother and stepbrother came I actually had a lot of friends but after my mom died I didn't want to go out , I ignored my friends all the time and they got bored of waiting for me so one day I got text in my group chat that it's better if we all split up and find other people to hang out with. At first I thought they got into a fight and that has nothing to do with me because I didn't go to school for 2 weeks , so I couldn't do anything wrong except ignoring them, but that's normal my mom had had just died and the last thing I wanted to do is hang out at parties. Well... I was wrong. Week after I came back to school and tried to talk to a few girls that I was friends with for years and they completely ignored me, I was confused and mad because I know I didn't do anything wrong and when I asked them the next day they said that it's better if we're not friends anymore. From that day on I've been sitting alone during the launch and all my friends were sitting at our old table, all together, I was the only one they didn't want to be friends with for some reason. After that things just got worse, my stepbrother came and shared my nudes, people started talking about me, girls were calling me a whore, boys were mostly ignoring me and I was always alone until I meet Nicky.

Everyone liked her when she moved to our school and still she chose to be friends with me after everyone told her to not talk to me. Girls I used to be friends with called her to parties all the time and once I came with her hoping that no one will talk shit about me for once and I might have fun. Well, that was a bad decision, girls got mad that I was there and one of them throw a drink at me. That was the last time Nicky spoke to them and since then we are inseparable.

I wanted to tell him that, I need someone to talk about this, to get everything off my chest, but I feel like he's gonna think that I'm a loser just like everyone else. So I just change a subject.

"You don't talk much about yourself," I said

"There isn't much to know, c' mon I'm sober now, let's go dance."

We went to the dance floor and everyone was there, Caia looked at us and she is pissed.

"Where have you guys been?" Asked Caia

"In the room." Said, Damon and rolled his eyes.

"Ivy I've got to talk to you." Said Nicky and she didn't look happy too.

"That can wait we're going to grab a drink." Said Damon and we walked to the bar.

"Wait, she said she needs to talk to me," I said confused. Why is she mad? Did I do anything wrong? Probably because I wasn't with her whole night. I put my thoughts aside when Damon came closer. He looks at my lips and I close my eyes expecting the kiss.

"Hey baby, I was looking for you." Said girl next to us. I opened my eyes and see a gorgeous redhead girl. She placed her hand on Damon's shoulder and kissed him. I open my mouth in shock.

He put his hand on her ass and they were literally making out in front of me. Their kiss was full of passion, hunger unlike ours. With me, he was gentle, like I could break if he pushed me harder, and it definitely didn't last that long. I guess he didn't like it as much as I did.

After what it feels like ages they stopped.

"And.. who is the girl?" She asked him and looked at me.

"Friend of Loic." He said and run his fingers through her hair.

Wow. Friend of Loic? He couldn't even introduce me as his friend. What the fuck did I expect, that he's gonna ask me to be his girlfriend after that kiss? No, but I was kinda hoping he would ask me on a date. I can't lie to myself, I like him. A lot, but this was a mistake, he obviously has a girlfriend.

Someone grabbed my shoulder and I turned around, It was Nicky " Ivy, he's here." She said. I was about to ask who is she talking about when I looked around I saw my stepbrother Jack in front of me. "Hi, little sister."

Maybe, one dayحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن