Chapter 18- dumb and dumber

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I've spent the past three days ignoring Damon and his friends. He tried to talk to me a few times "hey, I wanted to..." he said.

"I'm sorry I'm kinda busy right now," I replied.

That was our last conversation yesterday.

I didn't want to be rude but c' mon there's no way I'm gonna pretend that everything's fine now.

I started packing my clothes, I'm going home today, driving in the car with Jack for a few hours is definitely not gonna be fun. I need to remind myself to bring my earphones. I always forget them.

"Here bring those pants, they are cute." Said Nicky and grabbed my leather pants.

I folded them and packed them in the suitcase.

"You know I'll be gone for a few days not years. I don't need so many clothes."

"Excuse you, I just packed you enough if you want to change your clothes a few times a day."

I giggled "sure, thank you." I said and kissed her cheek.

"You're welcome... seriously you should dress a bit better." She said jokingly

"Okay, I get it, shut up now." I kicked her in the arm.

"So... when are you going to tell me what happened between you and Damon?"

It's been a few days and I haven't said anything to her because honestly, I'm embarrassed. I've been so excited in front of her about hanging out with him and it turned out bad. She had high expectations just like me. She was excited for me because she knows I've never been interested in anyone like in him.

How can I tell her that he ditched me after Nora called him?

"Well... it was good, I had fun," I said hoping she would drop it.

"If it was so fun for you why would you let Jack kiss you?" She raised her eyebrow.

"He didn't kiss me, Nicky!"

"He almost did. And you would let him."

"I wouldn't, I was just in shock."

She started laughing "sure love if you say so." I rolled my eyes "But seriously, tell me what happened. You've been avoiding him, and don't tell me you didn't, I've noticed every time he'd come close to us you'd suddenly have somewhere else to be."

I signed.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you... I really had a good time with him that night, we watched the movies, well I watched them. He was too busy staring at me." I said and blushed remembering his lips on my neck "It was really fun until Nora called him, he talked to her for 10-15 minutes."

"WHAT? Is that the redhead girl?" She asked

"Yes, and when they finished talking he told me he had to do something. It's not hard to guess where he went." I'm getting mad again. I really need to drop it. They are not worthy of my time.

"Seriously? Why am I surprised honestly? I thought he's a decent guy, I guess I was wrong. " she said angrily and started typing on her phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused.

"Cancelling my plans for tonight, I was supposed to go to Damon and Loic's place with Anna, I'm definitely not going now."

"Listen it's not a big deal, it's not like he cheated on me or something, it's lame but it really isn't big deal. I want you to have fun tonight," I said.

"Well he knows that you like him, he invited you to his place and then ditched you after that bitch called him. So excuse me if I don't want to see his face." She said and dropped her phone on the ground.

I wanted to argue with that but I couldn't. I would do the same if someone hurt her.

"Okay let's not talk about that, I'm hungry, I need to eat something before we go."

"I made muffins for you." She smiled

"Did I tell you how much I love you?" I said and put my hand on her shoulder "yes whenever I make you food. " she said and we started laughing.

On our way to the kitchen, I heard a familiar voice.

"Maybe you can stay... I mean she's not your aunt." Said Caia.

Nicky looked at me and rolled her eyes.

We entered the kitchen and saw her sitting on our kitchen island and Jack between her legs facing her.

"Ewww, get off. We eat food there, I don't need your ass print on my island." Said Nicky with a disgusted look on her face. I couldn't help but laugh.

Jack lifts her and put her on the ground.

She turned to look at Nicky and me "oh, it's dumb and dumber." She said.

"Watch how you talk to me in my house." Said Nicky. She looked like she could slap her any moment.

"It's not your house, it's Jack's." She said and put her hand on his biceps. He looked like he was bored with out conversation.

"Actually, my dad bought it so it's mine and Jack's and since Nicky is my best friend, house is her's too. So if you don't mind, move so I can eat." I said and opened the fridge.

Who does she think she is. Coming to our house and insulting us.

"Alright, Jack since these two are obviously on their periods and not in the mood to have a civil conversation let's go out to eat." She said and pouted her lips trying to look cute.

"I can't. We have to go soon." He said and moved closer to me.

I started eating pasta from last night because I didn't have time to make anything else. It's cold and disgusting but at least I won't be hungry. "Have you packed everything you need?" He asked and sat next to me and Caia followed him of course.

Nicky took muffins and packed them in a plastic container for me.

"Yes, I have everything," I said and continued stuffing my mouth with pasta. He chuckled and passed me a paper towel.

I took it and wiped my mouth. I probably look like a pig right now.

"So Ivy, I've heard you had fun with Damon the other day. You two are so cute together." Caia said sarcastically.

Jack gave her a death stare.

"Mhm," I said

"It's funny though, I saw him with Nora that night in the club. They looked very close."

She continued.

"Okay, so?" I asked and dropped my fork. I lost my appetite.

"Nothing, I'm just saying, that's her man, you should stop messing with taken ones." She said

"Says you? You would spread your legs fio him anytime he asks no matter if he's taken or not so stop acting fake." Nicky said and Jack almost choked on his muffin.

"Ohh what do we have here." Said Dominic who suddenly appeared behind Caia.

Her mood completely changed and she jumped excitedly "Hey Dominic. " she said sweetly

"What's up with your breath? Did you eat garlic or something? " he said and scrunched his nose.

Nicky started laughing "It's because of all of the shit she talks."

Caia rolled her eyes and started buttoning her jacket. "Okay, I see I'm not welcome here anymore, oh and Ivy sweetheart I know that truth hurts but you're being very childish right now but I'm gonna forgive you since you're going through a lot, you know rejection and everything." She smirked

I was about to scream at her but Dominic stopped me "Seriously Caia close your damn mouth my eyes are watering now."

Jack started to laugh and Caia kicked Dominic at the back of his head and started walking towards doors.

I wanted to say something to Nicky but I saw her staring at Dominic and I could see how happy and surprised she looked. Interesting.

"So are we going?" Asked Jack.

"Yeah, let's go."

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