Chapter 8- Jack

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I stared at him like an idiot, I couldn't say a word.

"What you're not gonna hug your brother?" He said.

Everyone started looking at me.

I came closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek.

"Aww did you missed me too Ivy." Said the voice behind him.

Oh my god, he brought Dominic with him. Can this night get any worse?

Dominic is the one who covered Jack by saying that I sent him my nudes, of course, everyone believed him.

"No, I didn't. " I said and turned to Nicky who looked extremely mad.

"Yeah, I think I had too much to drink, we're gonna go." She said and I just nodded.

Jack looked like he's gonna say something when Caia stopped him. "Aren't you gonna introduce us to your brother Ivy." She said, eyeing him. Seriously? Does she find everyone attractive? Can't blame her though, even if I hate him I can't lie and say that he's not good looking. He was almost tall as Damon and had short light brown hair and blue eyes. His looks are his only advantage because his personality is shit.

Jack smirked and looked at me "yeah Ivy, introduce me to your friends."

I just rolled my eyes and grabbed Nicky's hand. I looked at Damon who's hand was still wrapped around this girl's waist "You can introduce yourself, I barely know them."

Damon looked between me and Jack confused.

15 minutes later Nicky and I are still waiting for our uber while my idiotic stepbrother is with my new friends. He always has to ruin everything.

"I hate him so much." Said, Nicky

"Ew I need to take a shower he fucking hugged me."

She started laughing and then slapped herself. "Why would you do that?" I couldn't stop laughing, she looks like she's gonna puke.

"I'm so drunk, I was about to pass out, I had to do something," she said and sat on the dirty floor in front of the club.

"Get up you look like a crackhead."

"If I could..."

"Seriously where is our uber?" I asked

Jack just appeared in front of me with Dominic "You're not going with uber, I'm driving you home." He said.

"No, we're not going with you."

"Yes, you fucking are, get in, she's drunk and fuck knows when your ride is coming."

"Okay," said Nicky. Traitor.

We got in the back of the car and Dominic turned to me and just stared.

"What?" I said that too loud.

"I don't know, you look different... isn't that dress a bit short for you?" He started eying my legs.

I tried to cover my thighs as much as I could.

"It's not and stop staring at my legs you creep."

"Baby I saw a lot more than your legs." He winked. I hate him.

Jack turned to him and he looks pissed for some reason "Shut the fuck up!"

"Okayyy, chill I'm joking." He said and turned to me again "I'm so sorry doll."

I just rolled my eyes, I'm doing that a lot lately.

Why is he apologizing? He said a lot worse things to me back in high school and never apologized before.

Whatever, I'm gonna completely ignore both of them.

20 minutes later Jack is parking in front of this huge house. "Where are we?" I asked

"Didn't your dad tell you, this is our house now." He said and smiled

"He did... but we weren't supposed to move until next week," I said confused. When did he have time to move here so quickly.

"We moved your stuff, you don't have to go back to your apartment." Said Dominic

"What the fuck?" Nicky said suddenly awake. "Did u touch my things?"

"Don't worry, your dildos and vibrators are still in that pink box."

We all started laughing except Nicky, she looked horrified.

I suddenly remembered my diary was on my bed, I hope he didn't pay attention to it because if he did that would be extremely embarrassing for me. There was a time where I liked him when he first moved with me and my dad, he was very sweet and we got along and then he suddenly changed.

So what that means is that I have a few pages about our good times together. I need to burn my diary.

I was shocked when I entered the house, it was huge and everything looks so luxurious and clean. The walls are white and the whole furniture is black and white.

"Do you like it?" Asked Jack and smiled at my expression.

"Yeah, it's... I like it." I said.

"I'm glad." I looked at him waiting for him to say something like "you are sleeping in the basement" but he didn't say anything, he looked genuinely happy that I like it. Weird.

"Let me show you your room." He said and Dominic took Nicky to hers, she can barely walk. I'm never letting her drink again.

We walked into the room at the end of the hall on the second floor. The room was huge as well, light pink walls like in my old room back home. The bed was in the middle and a huge TV was in front of it. It has a walking closet with all my clothes in it and I've got a bathroom inside my bedroom thank god I don't have to share it.

Everything looks expensive here. My dad always had a lot of money but this is a huge upgrade from my apartment, I don't even want to know how much does it cost.

"We have rules in this house." He said


"You can't bring any boys, or else I'd have to call your father and tell him that you're not taking your college seriously, and you know how sensitive he is about grades." He's not wrong, my dad always wants me to have the best grades. But why does that concern him? I've never had a problem with school and grades, and boys are definitely not gonna distract me from it.

"Who I'm bringing here is none of your business," I said.

"Oh, but it is. Don't bring anyone here and we're not gonna have problems."

"So you're not bringing any girls too?"

"That's different I'm a guy."

"Sexist much?" He's so irritating.

"I can't be distracted, when I bring girls it's just for one night and I don't see them again, but you..." he stopped and looked me from top to bottom like he's trying to figure me out "you get attached way too easily."

"Shut up! You don't know shit about me. And don't boss me around I'm done with that, I'm gonna bring here whoever I want, and you can tell that to my dad too, I don't care."

"We'll see about that." He said and left the room.

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