Just the Beginning

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Wendy had fallen asleep shorty after, exhaustion clearly written on her face. Peter had opted to stay, keeping watch, her silent sentinel. Peter turned on his side and watched the gently rise and fall of Wendy's chest. Relief flooded through him each time she drew a breath. Turning to lay on his back, Peter clasped his hands behind his head and blew out a long breath. The toll of the past few days finally catching up with him. There had been so much adrenaline coursing through his veins that he had hardly had time to stop and think, which was good. He didn't know if he wanted to think. Now that things had settled down, his mind was starting up again.

Hook. Hook was gone. Peter didn't know if he felt relief, or what he felt. His age old enemy was finally defeated, that stirred strange thoughts of loss. But when Peter thought about what Hook had done to his Wendy, his blood boiled and he was glad Hook was gone. Forever. Never to hurt those he cared about again.

Wendy. He had lost her for a moment there. Never had he felt such depth of emotion, and that terrified Peter. The loss had been heart wrenching and so painful, he would rather die than go through that again. But on the other hand the joy he felt after was equally as powerful. It was all so new, so strange. There was so much to explore, so much to learn. This was all new territory, when it came to the feelings he had towards Wendy. But one thing was for sure, he was over the moon. It scared him a little how much one silly girl had taken hold of him. She meant everything to him, she was the reason behind his crow, and she was his home.

Home. Hook had mentioned that Wendy had wanted to go home. A sliver of panic pierced Peter's heart. Did Wendy want to go home now? After all that had happened, had she had enough? Was their adventure over when he thought it was just beginning? No! It couldn't be, she wanted to be here, Wendy had said she loved him. Didn't that mean she wanted to stay with him? Uncertainty and Vulnerability two emotions Peter was quickly taking a disliking to, but they were plainly written on his face.

A soft moan shook Peter from his worrying. He would have to ask Wendy later if she wanted to go home. But right now he needed to be there when she woke up. He stuffed all his insecurities underneath his mask of bravado and turned on to his side and watched Wendy's eyes flutter open.

"Good Morning my Sleeping Wendy." Peter said softly, brushing a lock of hair out of Wendy's eyes.

"I believe the correct name is Sleeping Beauty. And since when am I 'yours'" Wendy voiced with a smile.

Peter cocked his eyebrow, "Well your name is Wendy and you were sleeping, as for the last matter. You've always been 'mine.' From the very beginning."

Wendy lowered her eyes as a blush crept up her cheeks. She couldn't think of anything to say for once.

Peter loved seeing the color in Wendy's cheeks. It meant that she was alive. He was so happy he leaned in to thimble Wendy when the Chief burst through the teepee flap. Peter cursed silently. Wendy gave him a disproving look and smiled at the Chief.

"Good Morning Little Sparrow! I see you are feeling better." The Chief waggled his eyebrows at the two. This time both Peter and Wendy blushed crimson.

"I...well...uh...yes. Yes I am feeling better." Wendy stumbled out.

"Good, good! Now Flying Eagle I need to redress the bandages, you will wait outside the teepee." The Chief held up a hand when Peter started to protest. "None of that, she will be through in just a few minutes. I'm sure you can manage."

Peter grumbled but obligingly left the tent. As he stumbled out he was met with an onslaught of clamoring hands.

"Where's Mother?"

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