Dating Percival Would Include...

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-Bear hugs. Lots and lots of bear hugs. And not just any bear hugs. Bear hugs as in "lift-you-off-the-ground-while-simultaneously-suffocating-you" bear hugs.


-When someone looks down on you, he just stands behind you all menacing with his arms crossed.

-People being put off by his appearance and being shocked when you just waltz up to him and put a flower in his pocket like its nbd.

-When there's a party in Camelot, slow dancing with each other is a MUST. Bonus points if you stand on his feet.

-Puffing his chest out with pride when he watches you spar.

-"...So if Leon and I ride to the East and cut off their supply route, then Elyan and Percival can stop the rebels in the West. Is everyone in agreement? ...Percival? Percival!"

"There's no point, Your Majesty. His focus is somewhere else entirely."

"Ugh, remind me never to fall in love. The grin on his face is making me sick."

-If anyone lays a hand on you, they'd better watch out.

-Arguments are few and far between, and when they do happen, you can never stay mad at each other for very long (How can you stay mad at that face?)

-Stealing his cloak when it's cold out.

-Working in the kitchen and helping Gwaine and Percival steal food.

-Falling asleep on top of his chest while he runs his hands through your hair.

-Making him give you piggyback rides when you don't feel like walking

-The knights teasing him about being wrapped around your little finger while he half-heartedly denies it.

-Him knowing as soon as he lays his eyes on you that you're the one.

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