116 | its another tag, woop dee doo

31 2 9

Soo, I was tagged by @sarsasstic  and so here goes nothing.  

1) If you could marry someone, who would you marry?

Uhhh...do you mean like...someone I know and not a celebrity? Because if so...then, uh, no. 

2) What's your favorite book you have read so far and why is it so amazing? 

Ohh, that's an interesting question. Ooof, can I just say the entire Game of Thrones series so far? Like...I'm only on book two right now, but I definitely really like it, and it's just...George RR Martin isn't afraid to kill characters off and the world is so interesting, and I'm just so invested in all these characters and I don't think I've ever wanted a character to die the way I want Joffrey to fucking die. 

3) Instagram or Snapchat?

Um, neither. I don't use either. 

4) Best friends or popularity?

Popularity is a subjective thing that's not gonna matter a few years down the road, and so I'm gonna pick best friends. Sounds better to me. 

5) Who are your best friends?

@jackskellingtonrulz5 and a couple people from work i wont name drop.

6) Would you rather draw your whole life and have everyone see or run away from your parents?

I mean...I don't live with my parents? So...running from them? Idk, this question confuses me xD

7) Love or death?


8) Heaven or hell?

I've been told I'm going to hell for a multitude of reasons, but I don't even know if I believe in heaven or hell sooooo

9) Who was your first crush?

This kid named Austin who was like the first kid that was nice to me that was outside of my friend group lmao. I had low standards as a kid

10) Were you ever close to kissing someone? 

I've kissed people before. Sparingly. 

I tag @made__of__stardust and that's pretty much it xD

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