Chapter 2 "Tesla"

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Later that night, Luca pulls up to Shaylynn's gate.
Since he knows the code he types it in and watches the gate open.

Walking up to the front door, he turns the knob which happens to be unlocked and walks inside.
"Shaylynn, are you ready?" Luca calls out.
He stands there and looks around while he waits.
A minute later, Shaylynn comes walking down the stairs.
Luca looks and sees her, "Holy shit!" he says under his breath seeing what she's wearing. 

He rushes over to the stairs and helps her down the remaining ones, "You look gorgeous!" he tells her

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He rushes over to the stairs and helps her down the remaining ones, "You look gorgeous!" he tells her.
"Thank you! You look very handsome," Shaylynn says then kisses him, "Ready?" she asks.
"Yes Ma'am," Luca says smiling at her.
They walk over to the door with Luca opening it for her.
Walking outside, Shaylynn hands her keys over to him, "What are these for?" he asks.
"I thought you might like to drive the Ferrari," she tells him.
Luca gets a huge smile on his face, "Are you sure?" he asks.
"If I wasn't, I wouldn't have offered the keys to you," Shaylynn tells him as they walk over to the car.
He opens the door and helps her inside.
Walking over to the driver's side, Luca gets in and starts the car up.
"Hello Shaylynn," the car says, "Where to tonight?"
Luca looks over at her with a surprised look on his face, "Did the car just talk to you?"
Shaylynn starts laughing, "Yes," she tells him.
"And was it talking to you in James Earl Jones' voice?" he asks looking at the dash.
"Yes," she says again.
Luca gets a smile on his face, "How do you have James Earl Jones' voice in your car?"
"I escorted him down the red carpet when Rogue One came out," she tells him, "Afterwards I asked him if he would be the voice in my Ferrari I was having built. The rest is history."
"Where to Shaylynn?" the car asks again.
"To Musk," Shaylynn says.
"To Musk," the car repeats pulling the directions up on the screen.
Luca sees this and puts the car in gear taking off down the driveway.


Forty-five minutes later, Luca is driving up a long driveway.
Parking, Luca looks at the house, "Who is this guy?" he asks.
"Elon Musk," Shaylynn tells him.
"Thee Elon Musk?" he asks her, "Musk that deals with PayPal, Tesla, and SpaceX?"
"Yes," Shaylynn tells him getting ready to open the door.
"Oh no, you don't!" Luca says hurrying out of the car over to her side.
Opening the door, he helps her out. She keeps hold of his hand as she starts walking up toward the door.

Ringing the doorbell a man answers a minute later, "Hello, Shaylynn," he says.
"Hello, Oliver. Is Mr. and Mrs. Musk ready?" she asks him.
"You better come inside," Oliver tells her.
Shaylynn walks in with Luca behind her, "And who's this?" Oliver asks.
"This is my," Shaylynn says getting ready to say boyfriend but doesn't want to scare Luca away.
"This is Dominic Luca," she says, "He's going to help with Mr. Musk."
Oliver nods at her, "Follow me," he tells them
They walk down a hallway where Oliver stops in front of a door and knocks.
They hear someone inside, "Wait here please," he says.
Oliver walks in closing the door behind him.
Luca grabs onto Shaylynn's hand and pulls her to him, "You could have said boyfriend," he whispers into her ear.
Shaylynn turns her head to look at him and smiles as the door opens, "Come in please," Oliver tells them.
Shaylynn walks in with Luca behind her, she sees Mr. Musk sitting behind his desk. When he looks up and sees her, he smiles and stands up.
Walking around his desk, he walks over to Shaylynn, "I'm so sorry to have wasted your time but I won't be going out tonight," he tells her, "There's no date because I'm getting a divorce."
"I'm sorry to hear that," Shaylynn tells him.
"I forgot all about tonight until you arrived," Musk tells Shaylynn then looks at Luca, "She's in such high demand you have to make an appointment for her services months in advance. Why am I telling you this, I'm sure you know being with her. Which I thought would never happen to see someone settle you down," he says looking at Shaylynn, Shaylynn doesn't know what to say, "Tell you what I'll call the restaurant and change the reservation and put it in your name and you two can make it into a date."
"Thanks but you don't have to do that," Shaylynn tells him.
"Yes, I do! If it wasn't for me forgetting I would have canceled and you two could have been out on a date. With you looking like that, I'm sure he wants to show you off or," Musk says looking at Luca smiling, "I'll call the restaurant. Everything will be taken care of by the time you get there."
"Thank you, Mr. Musk," Shaylynn says.
"No need to thank me! It's the least I can do and try to salvage your night," he tells her and shakes her hand.
Shaylynn starts walking out of the office with Luca behind her but Musk puts his hand on Luca's arm, "This is the perfect restaurant to propose," he tells Luca.
Luca looks at Musk surprised by what he said, "Oh!" Musk says, "You're not ready for that?"
"We just met a little over a week ago," Luca tells him.
"I knew the first time I saw my wife I wanted to marry her. That was ten years ago. She had other ideas when she met her personal trainer a month ago," he tells Luca. "I'll let you get out there and I'll call the restaurant."
"What restaurant is the reservation at if you don't mind me asking?" Luca asks.
"Not at all. The reservation is at Spago," Musk tells him, "Just think about what I said. You seem like a good guy and a woman like Shaylynn won't wait long."
"Thanks," Luca says.
He walks out of the office and meets Shaylynn at the front door, "Everything okay?" she asks him.
"Yeah, I was just asking him about his Tesla company since I'm a huge car geek," Luca tells her.
Shaylynn smiles at him and shakes her head as he opens the door for her.
They walk out to the car, Luca helps her in, gets in himself and takes off to the restaurant.
The entire drive Luca thinks about what Musk said to him.


The valet comes out to the car as Luca helps Shaylynn out, "Whoa, Ms. Shaylynn! That is some dress girl!"
Shaylynn smiles at him, "Thank you, Ernie!"
Ernie walks up to Luca for the keys, "Aren't you a big hunk of muscle," Ernie says looking back at Shaylynn.
Shaylynn smiles and starts laughing as Luca's eyes get big, she walks over to Luca and puts her arm around his, "He's mine," she tells Ernie.
"Well when you're done with him, I'll take him," Ernie says looking Luca up and down.
"Not a chance," Shaylynn tells Ernie, Luca looking at her smiling, "Bye, Ernie."
They walk into the restaurant hand in hand.
After their done eating, they leave and head back to Shaylynn's house.


Walking inside, Luca shuts the door behind him.
Shaylynn turns around and pushes him against the door, undoing his tie as he takes off his coat.
She quickly unbuttons his shirt and takes it off him moving on to undoing his pants.
Luca starts kissing her, picking her up.
Shaylynn wraps her arms around his neck while she wraps her legs around his waist.
Feeling up under her skirt, he feels a strap to her panties. He puts a finger underneath it and pulls.
One tug and the strap breaks.
He puts a finger under the other strap, tugs, and breaks it.
Grabbing between her legs, he removes her panties and drops them to the floor.
Lowering her, he moves inside and feels a moan against his lips.
After a couple more thrusts Luca stops and quickly carries her to the living room where he lays her down on the couch.
As he removes his pants, she takes off her dress.
Lowering himself on to her, he enters her again where he loses himself into the ecstasy that is her.

Thirty minutes later, they peak together with Luca laying his head on her chest, both of them breathing heavily.
Shaylynn can feel him shaking, "Dominic, what's wrong?" she asks.
Luca looks up at her, "I'm falling in love with you," he tells her.
"Dominic, you barely know who I am," Shaylynn tells him.
"I know exactly who you are," Luca tells her.
"And who's that?" she asks.
"The one I've been waiting for my entire life," he says, "I've had dreams about meeting someone like you! I just never had a name to go along with the image. It scares me," he tells her.
"Why does it scare you?" Shaylynn asks.
"Because I've never felt this way about anyone before. And I'm scared you're going to tell me that you don't feel the same way," he says.
She pulls on him to get him to move up further.
He braces himself on his arms over her, she touches the side of his face with a hand, "Coming back to Los Angeles I figured I would throw myself into my work until that night at the ballroom when I saw you. Never did I think in a situation like that I would find the man I would fall in love with," Shaylynn tells him.
Luca smiles at her. He lowers himself down and starts kissing her, caressing her body getting ready for round two when his phone rings.
He reaches down on the floor and picks it up, "Luca," he says.
"Luca, you need to get to the hospital right away," Hondo tells him.
"Why?" Luca asks.
"It's your parents. Their house was bombed," Hondo says. 

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