Chapter 11 "You Can't Leave Me"

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Laying there putting pressure on Luca's head while waiting on the Ambulance, Shaylynn can't get over how vulnerable he is.
Her strong man laying beside her with his life in her hands.
Shaylynn can feel tears filling her eyes, "Dominic, you can't leave me!" she tells him, "This isn't how I wanted to do this but I'm pregnant. You have to stay with me!"
Rocker glances at her hearing the news.
As Shaylynn looks at Luca, his eyes start to open, he looks at her, "I'm going to be a Dad?" he asks her when he starts to cough.
"SHHH! Don't talk," she tells him, "And yes, you're going to be a Dad."
Luca smiles and reaches up to touch her face as the Ambulance arrives.


After being rushed to the hospital, Luca is taken up for an MRI while everyone else is being checked out in the ER.
Hicks and Cortez walk into the ER waiting room to see Shaylynn sitting in a chair in a scrub top bending forward with her face in her hands.
As Hicks walks into the ER to find out how the guys are, Cortez walks over to Shaylynn.
Cortez sits down and puts her hand on Shaylynn's back, "Any news on the guy who caused this?" Shaylynn asks through her hands.
"He drowned," Cortez tells her.
Shaylynn lifts her face out of her hands, "Good!" she says with a satisfied look on her face as she watches Hicks walk out of the ER.
He walks up to Shaylynn, "Do you know that Luca was taken up for an MRI?" he questions her.
Shaylynn narrows her eyes, "No! No one told me!" she tells him standing up.
Rushing over to the elevator, Shaylynn gets on and heads upstairs.

After giving the Doctor a piece of her mind for not telling her, her husband was taken upstairs, she's finally in Luca's room.
She takes off her shoes and climbs up in his bed, snuggling up against him. Being up against him, she falls asleep in no time.

Shaylynn starts stirring around as she feels something touching her.
She opens her eyes to see Luca's eyes are open and that he's smiling at her as he rubs her abdomen.
"I'm going to be a Daddy," he says in a happy tone.


A few days later, Luca's released from the hospital.

Sitting down on the couch, Luca looks around, "It's nice to be home," he says.
"I'll get you some water," Shaylynn tells him.
Luca puts his hand out to her, "No, I want you to sit with me and talk. There are some things I've wanted to talk to you about but it seemed someone was always in the room at the hospital with us or it just wasn't the right time," he tells her.
Shaylynn puts her hand on his and sits down, "How long have you known?" he asks her.
"A few days. I wanted to go to the doctors to be one hundred percent sure before saying anything to you," Shaylynn tells him.
Luca smiles at her, "How far along are you?" he asks.
"Six weeks," she tells him as she looks at Luca's face and can tell he's trying to figure out when it happened, "It happened in Hawaii."
He looks at her surprised, "Our honeymoon?"
Shaylynn nods as Luca gets a huge smile on his face, "We didn't see much of Hawaii if you remember," she reminds him.
His smile gets bigger as he pulls her over to him, "What are you doing?" she asks him.
"Come here," he tells her.
She follows his lead and figures out he wants her to straddle his lap.
Doing so, Luca smiles at her as he puts his hands on each side of her face and starts kissing her.
As they kiss Shaylynn can feel him getting hard between her legs, she pulls her head back, "Dominic," she says to him.
"I have to have you," he says looking into her eyes.
"I don't think that's a good idea," Shaylynn tells him, "You just got out of the hospital," she says as he undoes his pants.
"Pretty sure I know my body better than any doctor," he tells her, "Stand up."
Shaylynn stands up as Luca starts undoing her pants.
In no time, he has them off and pulls her down onto his lap as he slowly enters her.
Grabbing the bottom of her shirt, he pulls it up and over her head throwing it onto the floor.
To make things fair, Shaylynn grabs the bottom of his shirt and pulls it off.
She leans forward and starts kissing him as he grabs onto her hips as they make love.
An hour later, both of them are climaxing together.

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