Chapter 13 "Wrong Answer"

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The door to the room Shaylynn's being held in opens.
A guy walks in with someone who has a hood over their head. He sits the person down on another chair and takes the hood off.
Shaylynn gets a surprised look on her face when she sees it's Zoë.
The guy starts touching her, "Leave her alone, asshole!" Shaylynn yells at him.
He turns around and walks over to Shaylynn, "And what are you going to do about it?" he asks her.
Shaylynn smiles at him as she wraps her legs around his calves pulling her legs toward her taking his legs out from under him causing him to fall to the floor.
Picking up her right foot, she slams it down on his crotch sending a huge scream out of him.
"That's what I'm going to do about it!" she tells him spitting on him as the door opens with two more guys rushing into the room.
One of them checks on the guy who's on the floor as the other one punches Shaylynn.
She looks at him spitting blood onto his shirt pissing him off, "She's more trouble than what she's worth!" he tells the guy who's helping the other guy up off the floor.
"Boss says she stays!" the guy tells him finally getting the other guy up.
Both guys help the other guy walk out of the room.
Once the door closes, Shaylynn looks at Zoë, "Why are you here?" she asks.
"Looking for you," Zoë tells her.
"They put you undercover to find me?" Shaylynn questions getting pissed off.
"Not exactly," Zoë tells her.
"So you did this on your own?" Shaylynn asks her getting even more pissed off.
"Yeeeeessssss," Zoë says slowly seeing that Shaylynn's angry.
Shaylynn shakes her head as another cramp hits her.
Zoë can sense something is wrong, "Are you alright?" she asks Shaylynn.
"I keep having cramps," Shaylynn tells her, "I haven't had anything to drink for hours. Pretty sure I'm becoming dehydrated," Shaylynn tells her.

Later that night, Luca's knocking on a hotel door.
The door opens, "How much you want?" the scrawny guy asks him.
Luca pushes him back into the room and closes the door as he pushes the man onto the bed, "WHERE'S MY WIFE?!" he yells.
"Who's your wife?" the guy asks.
"Don't play stupid with me! I know you supply the Latin bangers! Now, where is my wife?" Luca asks again.
"I don't know anything about your wife!" the guy tells him pissing off Luca.
"Wrong answer!" Luca says grabbing ahold of the guy picking him up off the bed.

"Wrong answer!" Luca says grabbing ahold of the guy picking him up off the bed

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Arriving at Street's house in the morning, Luca sees someone familiar walking to his car. He motions to the guy to follow him into the alley. Luca walks into the alley and waits.
"What do you want?" the guy asks.
"Marcos, I need your help finding my wife," Luca tells him.

 "Marcos, I need your help finding my wife," Luca tells him

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