Chapter 5 "Venice Beach Boardwalk"

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Parking in front of Luca's house, Shaylynn grabs a bag from the passenger seat then gets out of her Ferrari as a red car drives past her with a few guys staring.
Closing the door, she walks around the car to the sidewalk making her way to the door of Luca's house as the car stops and backs up.
Shaylynn turns around to see them backing up and stopping, "You going to that house?" the driver asks her.
Shaylynn doesn't answer, "Can I help you gentlemen with something?" she asks them walking toward the car, her gun now more visible to them.
"Are you a cop?" one of the guys asks her.
"No! Private security," she tells him.
"Don't worry, we know Luca," the driver tells her.
He puts the car in drive and drives off.
Shaylynn shakes her head as she walks up to the door.
She knocks and a few seconds later Street's looking at her, "Hi Shaylynn!" he says moving to the side so she can walk in.
"Hey, Jim," she says as she walks in past him.
Looking around she doesn't see Luca anywhere, "Dominic's here, right?" she asks Street as she turns around to look at him.
"Yeah, he's getting changed," Street tells her as he walks back over to the couch.
He sits down and goes back to watching TV. Shaylynn smiles turns and starts walking back to where Luca's bedroom is.

Opening the door to Luca's bedroom, she walks in and closes the door behind her.
Putting her bag down on his dresser, she hears water running.
Shaylynn smiles and starts getting undressed and walks over to the bathroom door.
Opening it she walks into the bathroom and over to the shower.
Slowly opening the shower door, Shaylynn sees Luca's under the showerhead rinsing the shampoo out of his hair.
Stepping in, she closes the door then moves closer to him rubbing her hands down his chest and over his abs. Before she has a chance to take him into one of her hands, he opens his eyes and smiles at her running his fingers through his hair to remove any excess shampoo.
Before Shaylynn even knows what happens, Luca starts kissing her as he picks her up and pins her to the wall.
It doesn't take him long to get an erection having her wet breasts pushed up against his chest and her legs wrapped around his waist.
Deciding against standing up, Luca turns and sits down on the little bench inside the shower.
He brings Shaylynn down onto his lap and enters her making her moan. With every movement from Luca into her, Shaylynn moans out more and more.
She doesn't want this sensation to end but she can't deny her body the release it craves. Reaching her peak, Shaylynn moans out in pleasure as she grabs onto Luca's arms which makes her orgasm even more intense feeling his hard biceps.
It doesn't take Luca long to follow behind her.
Reaching his peak, he thrusts in deeper and deeper making Shaylynn moan more as he releases himself into her.
Sitting there with his arms wrapped around her with her head laying on his shoulder, he's not sure if he wants to move from this spot or not until Shaylynn starts getting up.
"I don't think a moonlit walk on the beach is going to beat that," she says then bends down to kiss him.
Opening the shower door, she steps out and grabs a towel off the shelf.
She wraps it around herself and walks out to the bedroom leaving Luca in the shower alone to think about what she said.
He stands up, turns off the water and steps out grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist.
Looking in the mirror he hopes what happens at the end of the moonlit walk is better than what just happened in the shower.
By the time he walks out to his bedroom, Shaylynn's already dressed and sitting on his bed waiting for him.
Luca walks over to his closet, grabs out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt then lays them on the bed. Walking over to a dresser, he opens a drawer taking out a pair of boxer briefs.
Dropping his towel he puts them on as Shaylynn watches with a huge smile on her face.
He turns around to see the smile on her face then looks at her hair that's all wet, "I do have a hairdryer," he tells her.
"Nah! Going to the beach, I can get some beach wave in it," she says winking at him.
Luca smiles as he puts on his jeans, then his t-shirt. Sitting down on the bed beside her, he puts on a pair of shoes.
"Ready?" he asks her as he stands up putting a hand out to her.
"Yep," she tells him as she puts her hand on his and he helps her stand up.
They both walk over to the door, Luca opens it and Shaylynn walks out.
Walking to the front room, Luca stops.
Shaylynn stops and turns around to look at him, "Is everything okay?" she asks him.
"I forgot something," Luca tells her, "I'll be there in a minute."
Shaylynn nods and walks out to where Street is as Luca goes back to his room.
Quickly opening his bottom dresser drawer, he pulls out the ring box and sticks it in his pocket.
Not wanting to come out empty-handed, Luca grabs a jacket and heads out to the front room.
Street turns around to see Luca finally walking out, "You kids have a good time!" he tells Luca and Shaylynn.
Shaylynn walks over to Street who ducks down thinking he's going to get hit. When he looks at her he sees a set of keys in front of his face.
Street gives her a look, "What are these for?" he asks her.
"In case my car needs moved," Shaylynn tells him as Street smiles at her, "They're not for you to go out joyriding!" Street looks at Luca who's laughing, "Copy?" she asks him.
"Copy that!" Street says as he takes her keys.
Shaylynn starts walking over to the door as Luca opens it for her.
She walks out, Luca watching her walk away, "Luca," he hears Street say.
He looks over at Street, "Good luck," Street tells him.
Luca smiles then walks out the door closing it behind him.
Walking to his truck, Luca opens the passenger door and helps Shaylynn in.

Match Made In S.W.A.T. (Luca)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora