Chapter 3 "That's My Boy"

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Luca's in shock, "Are they alright?" he asks sitting up, Shaylynn sitting up behind him.
"They're a little beaten up but other than that they're alright," Hondo tells him, "The team is here at the hospital with them."
"I'll be there as soon as I can," Luca tells him, "Thanks, Hondo!" he says and hangs up.
"Dominic, what's wrong?" Shaylynn asks, "You went white as a ghost during that call."
"It's my parents. Their house was bombed," he tells her as he gets dressed, "I need to go to the hospital."
"I'll go and get some clothes on and come with you," she tells him,
"You don't have to do that," Luca tells her as he puts on his pants.
"I'm coming," she tells him quickly giving him a kiss before running out of the room toward the stairs.


Running into the ER waiting room, Luca and Shaylynn see the rest of the team.
The team sees them together and smile as Luca and Shaylynn make their way over to them.
Hondo stands up, "The doctor taking care of them is Dr. Thomas," he tells Luca.
"Thanks, Hondo," Luca says patting his shoulder.
Luca turns and starts heading inside to the ER until he stops and turns around.
He walks back over and grabs a hold of Shaylynn's hand, "Come on," he tells her.
Shaylynn looks at Hondo and smiles at him until Luca starts pulling her.

Walking into the ER, the head nurse sees them, "Can I help you?" she asks.
"My parents are here. Carl Luca and," Luca says before the nurse interprets him.
"Will you and your wife come with me," she tells him and starts walking off.
Luca looks at Shaylynn and smiles as they follow behind the nurse to a treatment room.
The nurse walks in, "You have some visitors," she says, the man opens his eyes.
She walks back toward Shaylynn and Luca walking out back to the desk.
"Hey, Pops!" Luca says walking up to him.
"Hey, Dom," Carl says then looks at Shaylynn, "Who's this?" he asks Luca.
"This is Shaylynn. My girlfriend," Luca tells him as he sticks his hand out to her.
Shaylynn puts her hand on his and walks up to the bed, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir," Shaylynn says to Carl.
"Sir?" Carl questions looking at Luca.
"Shaylynn used to be in the military," Luca tells him.
Carl gets a huge smile on his face, "It's a pleasure to meet you," Carl says to Shaylynn extending his hand to her which she shakes.
"Pops, how are you and Mom?" Luca asks, "I didn't see her as we were walking past the other rooms."
"They took her to have one more test done before we can leave," Carl tells him, "We seem to be okay other than being shaken up. Thankfully we were in the back of the house when it happened."
"What did happen?" Luca asks him.
"It was a couple of pipe bombs," Carl tells him, "I was helping your Mother hang some things in the kitchen when I heard glass break. The fire spread so quickly we were lucky to get out of there. The Fire Marshall stopped by and told me our house is a total loss so we have to find a hotel to stay at."
Shaylynn looks at Carl, "You and your wife can stay with me," she tells him.
Carl looks at Luca surprised as Luca looks at Shaylynn, "Are you sure?" Carl asks her, "We don't want to be any trouble."
Shaylynn smiles, "You won't be any trouble! My house has eight bedrooms so you can take your pick. It also has a theater room, a pool, and spa so it will feel like your on vacation."
The head nurse walks in, "Sir, I'm sorry but your insurance was canceled," she tells him.
Shaylynn looks at the nurse, "Can I talk to you out here," she says.
"Sure," the nurse says.
She and Shaylynn walk out of the room as Carl looks at Luca, "Where did you meet her?" he asks.
"At a S.W.A.T. call," Luca tells him.
"Was she a victim?" Carl asks.
"Not hardly!" Luca tells him.
"Dom, I'm not following," Carl tells his son.
"S.W.A.T. was called out and when we arrived, Shaylynn had taken down four armed men," he tells his Father.
"Really!" Carl says getting a big smile on his face, "I like her!"
"What is this about your insurance being canceled?" Luca asks.
"I'd say it has to do with the budget cuts," Carl tells him.
Luca looks out and sees a nurse pushing his Mom in a wheelchair over to them.
"Hi, Mom," Luca says as he bends down and kisses her on the cheek.
"Hello, Dear," she says to Luca and then looks at Carl, "I was told our insurance has been canceled," she says to him.
"I'll get it taken care of," he tells her when the head nurse walks in, "Alright, everything is taken care of," she tells them, "All I need you to do is sign your discharge papers."
Both of them sign the papers, "What about the bill?" Carl asks.
"It's all been paid for," the nurse tells him handing them their copies of the papers.
She walks out leaving them dumbfounded as two orderlies come to push Luca's parents out of the ED.

Once they're out in the waiting area, the rest of the S.W.A.T. team sees them and walks over.
"How are you two?" Hondo asks them.
"We've been better but we're good," Carl tells him.
"We'll let you guys go. Oh, where are you two staying?" Hondo asks.
"We're staying with Shaylynn," Carl tells him.
"We're staying with who?" Luca's Mom asks as Shaylynn walks in the doors.
"Her," Carl says, "Dom's girlfriend."
"Girlfriend?" Luca's Mom questions as Shaylynn walks up to her.
"Shaylynn, this is my Mom," Luca tells her.
"Pleasure to meet you, Ma'am," Shaylynn says smiling extending her hand.
Luca's Mom is taken back as she shakes Shaylynn's hand, "We're staying with you?" she asks.
"Yes, Ma'am you are," Shaylynn tells her, she looks over at Luca, "The car's right outside."
"Alright you two, time to go," Luca says.


Pulling up to the gate, Luca puts in the code and it opens. He drives through up to the house.
Parking, he and Shaylynn get out and open the back doors to help out his parents. Carl looks up at the house then looks at his son and smiles.
"Come on in," Shaylynn says as she opens the door,
Luca and his parents walk inside, they can't believe what they see.
"I'm sure you guys are tired so if you'll follow me," Shaylynn says walking to the stairs.
Luca's parents follow her up the stairs with Luca behind them.
Following Shaylynn down a hallway, she stops in front of a door.
Opening it, Shaylynn walks in with the others following her.
"There are a few outfits in the closet and a few things in the dresser drawers you can wear to sleep in," Shaylynn tells them.
Luca's parents are in shock, "How do you know our sizes?" Carl asks her.
"I asked the nurse. Then I called a friend of mine who works in a clothing store if she could get a few things until we can go out shopping tomorrow," Shaylynn tells them, "Is the room alright?" she asks.
Luca's mom smiles, "It's more than fine dear," she says smiling.
"I'm glad you like!" Shaylynn says smiling back, "My home is your home! You're more than welcome to look around whenever you feel like it. We'll go so you two can get settled in."
"Thank you!" Carl says.
Shaylynn and Luca walk out of the room, closing the door behind them.

Walking down the hall some, Luca grabs Shaylynn's hand and stops her.
She turns around and looks at him, "Thank you for what you're doing for my parents."
"Dominic, you don't have to thank me," Shaylynn tells him smiling, "Since your parents are staying, would you like to stay also?" she asks him.
He smiles at her, "What bedroom should I take?"
She pulls on his hand, "Mine," she says pulling him toward her room.
Luca smiles, grabs her and picks her up.
He starts walking toward her room as she starts kissing him.
Walking into the room, Luca uses his foot to close the door.

Two hours later, Carl comes out of their room.
He walks to the stairs when he hears banging.
Thinking like a cop, he walks down the hallway to investigate where the banging is coming from.
Coming to the last door, Carl stops hearing that the banging is coming from inside. That's when he hears moaning.
Carl's eyes get huge!
He hurries and starts walking away then gets a smile on his face, "That's my boy," Carl says to himself as he starts walking down the stairs.


I wanted to put this in here.

On the show Luca's first name is Dominique. To me, that's a girls name.

If you are reading this because you've read my Chicago stories, more so my Matt Casey one, you'll recognize that name for one of the Casey twins.

So in my story, his name's Dominic.

I just wanted to clear that up before I go any further. 

Match Made In S.W.A.T. (Luca)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat