Chapter 6 "Get A Room"

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After getting ready for work, Luca and Shaylynn are standing at the front door making out when Street comes walking out of his bedroom.
"Awww! Mom and Dad making out," he says smiling.
Shaylynn and Luca look over at him, Street starts laughing more.
"Do you have my keys?" Shaylynn asks Street.
He reaches into his pocket, "Right here," he says handing them over to her.
"Thanks!" she says grabbing them with her left hand.
Street sees her ring and smiles as Luca and Shaylynn move out of the way so Street can leave for work.
"Can we just go back to bed?" Luca asks her pulling her closer.
"I wish we could," Shaylynn tells him putting her arms around his neck.
"What are you doing today?" Luca asks.
"Not much. I have a few meetings with potential clients and then I have to scout out a few public transportation routes for a client so he knows which one is the safest for him to take to do some research for a movie role," Shaylynn tells him.
"Will you be able to stop by later? I'm sure everyone is going to want to see you after the text I sent out," Luca says to her.
"Sure! I'll make it a point to stop by," Shaylynn says kissing him, "But right now you better be leaving."
"Alright," Luca says looking down at the floor.
Shaylynn opens the door when Luca pushes it shut, "We need to start talking over wedding plans," he says.
"Not right now we don't," Shaylynn tells him, "You need to get to work."
"I just don't want to drag this out too long," he says, "I want to get married as soon as we can!"
Shaylynn looks at him wondering why he's in such a rush, "Why do you want to get married so quickly?"
"With what I do there is no guarantee that tomorrow will come. So I don't want to waste any time not being with you," Luca tells her.
"Okay, we'll talk about it later tonight," Shaylynn tells him.
Luca smiles and opens the door.


Four hours later, Shaylynn's riding around on a public bus getting some idea if this bus route is safe for her client to ride to do his research for his movie role.
Two guys get up out of their seats and walk toward two women, "Hey baby! Want to go out on a date?" one of the guys asks one of the women.
"No thanks!" the woman tells him moving closer to her friend.
The guy looks at his friend then back to the women, "Oh I see you two are lesbians! Go on then, kiss!" he tells them.
"Just leave us alone!" the other woman tells him.
"I said kiss! You like to kiss girls over men, kiss her!" he yells at the women.
When they won't do what he says, he draws his fist back getting ready to hit the woman closest to him when he feels something against his head.
"I wouldn't do that!" Shaylynn tells him.
He tries to turn to punch her but Shaylynn grabs the hair on the back of his head and slams it into the pole between the seats, knocking him unconscious.
The other guy starts charging at her.
When he's close enough, she throat punches him sending him to his knees gasping for air.
Pointing her gun at him so looks at the women, "Are you alright?" she asks them, they both shake their heads 'yes', "Pull the bus over!" Shaylynn yells at the driver.

After two minutes of driving along, the bus driver finally pulls over the bus when sirens can be heard.
"ON THE BUS! LET THE HOSTAGES GO!" Shaylynn hears over a speaker.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" she says looking at the driver.
"What's wrong?" one of the women asks her.
"Dispatch sent S.W.A.T.! They think it's a hostage situation," Shaylynn tells the woman as she looks back at the driver, "You couldn't have told them what was going on?" she asks the driver who doesn't answer, "I want everyone to slowly make their way off the bus. Make sure you have your hands on top of your head with your fingers together! Does everyone understand?" she asks them.
Everyone on the bus shakes their heads 'yes' and start standing up.
One by one the passengers start walking off the bus, "Come on, let's go!" Street tells them as he and Chris direct the passengers where to go.
"You have it all wrong!" one of the women tells Street.
"What do you mean?" Street asks her.
"The woman on the bus didn't take us hostage, she helped us," the other woman tells him.
Street looks at the bus, then looks over at Hondo, Luca, and Deacon who have their sights on the bus.
He's about ready to say something when Hondo starts talking through the speaker, "ON THE BUS! COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!"
They watch as a woman comes walking off the bus back toward them with her hands on her head.
Coming out of the shadow of the bus everyone is surprised to see it's Shaylynn.
They hurry and put their guns down, "What the hell is going on?!" Hondo asks.
"This woman said there was never a hostage situation," Street tells Hondo with the two women standing beside him.
"Two guys were harassing us. One was getting ready to hit me when she stopped him," one woman says as Shaylynn walks back to them.
"Street, Chris, go on the bus and get them!" Hondo tells them.
"You got it!" Street says.
He and Chris take off running for the bus as Hondo looks at Shaylynn, "You alright?" he asks her.
"Fine! The two guys not so much," she says as she looks at Luca, "I can't believe they sent S.W.A.T.!" she says winking at him.
Hondo shakes his head and smiles as he sees Street and Chris bring one of the guys off the bus, "Where's the other guy?" Hondo questions.
"Yeah, about that, he's going to need some smelling sauce to wake him up," Chris tells him as Street hands off the guy they brought out to a uniformed officer.
Chris walks away to inform the paramedics about the guy on the bus as Hondo, Luca, and Deacon look at Shaylynn, "What?" she asks looking back at them, "He hit his head!" she tells them.
"Did he have help?" Deacon asks laughing as he starts walking towards the back of Black Betty.
"Ha, ha! David, don't quit your day job!" Shaylynn tells him following him a little.
She turns back around and walks back up to the front of Black Betty.
Looking to the side she sees Luca crouched down talking to a boy who was on the bus.
He's holding up two fingers in Luca's face as he goes on about something.

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