Chapter 10 "Only Count Three"

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It's been two months since Shaylynn and Luca have returned from Hawaii.
With a new S.W.A.T. recruit getting in his training while they were gone, he's now on Rocker's team, moving Shaylynn out which Rocker didn't take well wanting Shaylynn to stay on.
With the help she's been to the S.W.A.T. teams, the Mayor has given the department permission to use Shaylynn more as a private contractor.


In the briefing room, Hicks is briefing everyone, "According to the information S.W.A.T. was able to obtain, this gang of Marines is going to hit The Getty Villa next."
"So they're going after artifacts now?" Hondo questions.
"Yes," Hicks tells them, "Artifacts are going for major cash on the black market!"
Everyone looks at Hondo since he was a Marine, "What?" he asks them.
"How are we going to handle this gang?" Deacon asks him.
"Very carefully!" Hondo says, "There is one thing you don't want on your ass and that's a pissed-off Marine!"
"That's why you're going to get some help," Hicks says looking toward the doorway that's behind Hondo, everyone looks, "Mrs. Luca," Hicks says smiling.
Shaylynn smiles as she walks over to stand by Hicks. Standing beside him, she looks at everyone to see all the smiles as Hicks brings up the gangs information.
Shaylynn looks down at the screen, her smile fades away, "What's wrong?" Luca asks her.
She quickly looks up at him and then back down at the screen, "I know all of them," she says, "They all were court marshaled for violence."
Hicks looks at the time, "You need to roll out," he tells them, "Rocker's team has been briefed and should be outside waiting for you guys."
Hondo and the rest walk out of the briefing room with Luca and Shaylynn behind them.
As the team walks outside, Luca pulls Shaylynn around a corner and starts kissing her, putting his hands on her hips working his way up to her breasts.
Shaylynn backs up from him, "We need to get out there," she tells him kissing him one more time.
"Be careful," Luca tells her.
Shaylynn puts her right hand on his left cheek, "You too!"
Luca hurries and gets another kiss before they walk out from behind the corner.

Walking outside, everyone is in Black Betty as Rocker's team is in the Suburbans.
Hicks stops Shaylynn, "Here's a radio and an earpiece," he says handing them to her as Luca walks over to Black Betty and gets in.
"Thanks," she says taking them from him.
She puts it in her ear as she walks over to her car when she hears a whistle.
Looking over at Black Betty, she sees Luca motioning to her using his finger.
She smiles and walks over, standing on her tiptoes and Luca hanging out the window some they kiss each other.
"Oh my God! Can we go already!" Street says as he starts to laugh when Chris punches him on the arm, "Ouch!"
Luca looks in the mirror, "Thanks, Chris!" he tells her.
"Not a problem!" she tells him.
Shaylynn pulls around Black Betty, "I can't believe Shaylynn has one of those Lamborghini SUVs" Tan says to Luca.
Putting Black Betty in gear, Luca follows Shaylynn out as the Suburbans follow behind.


Arriving at The Getty Villa, Shaylynn parks as the rest hang back out of sight with four patrol cars pulling up with them.
She gets out and goes to the back and pulls something out, "What is she doing?" Hondo asks Luca.
Flipping her head down and then back up, she has a black wig on, Luca smiles, "She put a wig on. Remember, she said she knows the guys."
Shaylynn starts to walk inside.

Five minutes go by, "They're in here," Shaylynn radios out, "But I only count three. Aren't there supposed to be four?" she questions.
"Affirmative," Hondo radios.
"He might be somewhere else," Shaylynn says, "I'll keep looking."
"We're going to come in! Three is better than none," Hondo radios to her as everyone gets ready to make their way inside the Villa.

Hondo and Rocker's teams make their way inside.
In five minutes, they've taken three of the Marines into custody and escort them out to the patrol cars.
"Where do you think the fourth one is?" Deacon asks.
"Maybe he backed out," Street says as Shaylynn looks around.
"He's there!" she says pointing over to a red Mustang.
The guy sees he's been made and speeds away.
Shaylynn runs over to her Lamborghini and gets in, speeding off after him.
"Shaylynn!" Luca yells at her.
"Everyone run and load up!" Hondo tells them.
The team runs and jumps into Black Betty. As soon as he hears the back doors slam shut, Luca speeds off after Shaylynn and the suspect.


Racing down Coastline Drive, the suspect takes a sharp right onto Pacific Coast Highway with Shaylynn right behind him.
"Shaylynn, where are you?" Hondo radios out to her.
"Heading West on Pacific Coast Highway," she radios back.
When Luca reaches that intersection, he turns hard sending those in the back tumbling around.

Shaylynn looks in her rearview mirror to see Black Betty is finally within sight.
She looks back at the suspect's car to see something small and black thrown out the window.
With a gut feeling, she looks back into her rearview mirror to see an explosion happen under Black Betty sending the front end into the air, flipping over backward, landing on the roof.
Shaylynn's face turns red as her foot pushes the accelerator down further catching up with the suspect.
Ramming into him, she pushes him over the edge into the ocean.
Slamming on her brakes, she spins around and speeds back to where Black Betty is.

Coming to a screeching stop, Shaylynn jumps out of her car and rushes over to see most of the team making their way out.
"Are any of you seriously hurt?" Shaylynn asks them seeing they all are obviously shaken up, she looks around, "Where's Dominic?"
Hondo looks around, "He must still be in there," he tells her with everyone getting concerned looks on their faces.
Shaylynn climbs into the back of Black Betty and crawls to the front, "Dominic!" she calls out and gets no answer.
Finally making it to the driver's seat, that's when she sees Luca unconscious with a huge gash on his forehead.
"Dominic!" she says trying to hold it together as she takes her shirt off placing it, with pressure, on his wound.
She hears car doors slamming and within seconds Rocker is climbing inside, "9-1-1 has been called," he tells her, "Let me take over for you."
Shaylynn shakes her head 'no', "I'm not leaving him," she tells Rocker as her shirt becomes soaked with blood.


Short chapter.....

The idea of the Black Betty accident and Luca becoming seriously hurt came from a survey respondent.

Since I was informed on who that was, credit goes to DominicHawkins7

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