Chapter 2

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Like Vandal douchebag had said yesterday the helicopter did indeed come at noon, I spotted lex luthors bald head from a mile away, it was very reflective he must've used Mr sheen or some other Polis this morning.

I had my suit in a dufflebag along with any weapons I may be needing.

The cool thing about being rich is that you can afford a mansion with a helicopter pad.

Luthor nodded his head in aknowledgement when I got into the chopper.

"So, you're the mercenary I've heard so much about, a bit young to be a mass murderer aren't you?"

"It's like people say, Luthor, size doesn't matter."

This earned a half smile from the millionaire genius. He was wearing his usual black suit with a black tie.

The door was closed and we took off.

"So, where are we going."

"Gotham City."

"Why Gotham, isn't that a bit close to batman?"

"Because, that bunker of yours will be your teams HQ."

"Oh no! You are not turning my childhood home into a god dam villian layer where other villians will probably live!" I yelled defiantly.

Luthor sighed. "It's already an evil villian lair!" he pointed out.

"What would you suggest?" he then asked.

"On the very outskirts of gotham city there's a rock. In that rock is a hidden retinal scanner that only I can access, it leads to a bunker, it has more than one bedroom a training room, kitchen, multiple bathrooms and every other room imaginable, I don't have any personal belongings or anything of that nature in that bunker."

"Very well, that will do." Luthor sighed slightly annoyed at my unwillingness to reveal my base's location to the light. I knew the lights game, I could play with them too.

Like hell they were getting into the death lair! Speaking of the bunker I haven't been back in a while. Might wanna change that.

"So." Luthor broke the silence that had fallen down upon us. "Got any superpowes?"

"I dunno, you tell me." I watched his face change slightly from neutral to curiosity and then to agitation.

He smirked. "I had a feeling you say that, it's a good thing I'm a man who always does his homework."

"You can regrow limbs, heal life threatening wounds, you don't tire in combat and can't feel any physical pain." Lex rattled off a few of my abilities. But he wasn't done.

"Your speed, strength, Aglility, reflexes, intellect and senses were also enhanced more than your mentors."
He finished and I gave him a slow clap.

"You forgot one."

"And what are that?"

"I'm rich."

Luthor chuckled, dryly remarking that we had arrived in gotham and that I should probably prepare myself for what lay in wait for me also imforming me of a teammate that had been brought in last minute.

"The huntsman." Luthor called him.

"An archer?" I asked confused, Lex nodded.

"He has a thing for moving targets, watch he doesn't decide to make you one of them."

"Believe me, Lex, he'd find himself my
target quicker then he'd find me his."

We landed on the outskirts of the city, not far from the bunker entrance a few hours later. We had caught the helicopter to an airport where Lex Luthor had a private jet waiting for us.

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