Chapter 8

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"Sir, I really don't think this is a good idea."Alfred tried to persuade Bruce that this plan was going to be a disaster.

"I don't care Alfred."

"But sir, using magic on a lazerus pit...."

"Ryland is unstable and won't listen to me. The only person who can make him see sense is currently six feet under and decomposed!"

Zatana watched nervously as Slade Wilson's Casket was dug up and opened. 

"Can you do it?" Bruce asked her.

"I can bring his skeleton back to life,  but his soul is still in Hell."

"Can you summon his soul instead, get him to talk to Ryland?"

Zatana shook her head.

"Only black magic can do that."

The sky turned blood red for a split second and the three got visions of the world and its people turned to stone
The oceans turning into hot lava that burned for all eternity.

Slades skeleton was set alight in red hot flame and when the fire died down Slade Wilson was breathing yet again. He had skin, or rather apeared to. When he looked down at his hands all he saw was bone.

"Mmmm, fascinating is it not?"
He asked the three sitting up in his coffin.

They were all to shocked to speak.

"Tell me that was you." Bruce told Zatana.

"Not me, definitely... Not me."

Slade smiled the best he could being bones.

"Trigon sends his regards." he raised his hand and blasted the three with hellfire.  Bruce managed to get himself and Alfred away from the fire and zatana was able to erect a magical bubble in time.

When they looked back at the casket they realised that like Rylands, it was empty.

Slade flew quickly through gotham until he landed in the bunker, he had been watching his son thanks to Trigon. He knew he was at another bunker so it would be safe to stay there without being seen.

He had to admit, having power over hell fire was cool, and super useful.

The reason he didn't want to be seen was because he didn't want to see his son as a skeleton even if it appeared t to others that he had flesh and blood.

He sat in Rylands bedroom for a while, looking at the photo wall.

Ryland had taken photos of every big event that had transpired between them.

The printing cost for a thousand photos was a pain, as was sticking them onto the wall with blue-tac.

He smiled at all the memories. All he had to do was bring Trigon to earth using his daughter and he would get his flesh back, and he and his son would be spared by Trigon.

They'd be together again after nineteen years. Even when he had attempted to rescue his son he hadnt seen him, even worse he died because of  a very strong poison from the stab wound. Keep In mind that before that he had been frozen for over a decade.
And now nine years have passed and the only time slade got to kind of be with his son was in the court room after Ryland had raised hell and killed anything that resembled an owl, but even that wasn't physical but spiritual as he was a ghost.

He got the short end of the stick to put it in layman's terms.

He had his mission, Jump city, Damian wayne would be returning to the titans after being called to help young justice on an urgent mission.

There he would kill everyone but Raven and force her to summon Trigon.

Ryland looked at the blonde girl who fought against Red Robin.
Her name was Tera, Ryland wanted to recruit her if he could. She was powerful, already she had caused three earthquakes without even realising it.  Tera raised her fist and a rock spike almost impaled Red Robin.

She then slammed her palms together and two cliffs Tim was gliding between began to move closer and closer almost crushing him.

The titans had joined the fight lead by Damian, Star fire blasted Tera but a wall of rock took the full brunt of the blast.

Damian launched three birdarangs at her but again rocks.

It wasn't until Cyborg (I know he's season three of young justice but I can't have blue beetle on the titans yet as the reach invasion happening with young justice at this point.) and beast boy joined the fight that things started to go wrong for tera.

Renegade sighed as he was hoping he wouldn't need to get involved.  His chest pains had only gotten wore and he's started to take pain meds to help.
He really didn't feel like fighting when he could feel himself so weak.

So instead he called the next best thing.

Match dropped down from the sky at rocket speed creating a crater the size of the grand canyon. Everybody froze.

Match dispatched them all easily all except tera who was confused.

Renegade spoke to her and she accepted his offer,saying she really felt like crushing heroes.

He then hitched a ride in March's arms and was flown back to gotham with tera hanging on to the kryptonians back.

End of chapter 8.

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