Chapter 14 (The End.)

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Slade was in shock as hellfire smoldered away in my palms, the flame seems to dance on and lick at my skin, red sparks jetted out.

"I'm going to make Trigon regret powering me up."

I scanned the hellscape Jump City had been made into until I found who I wanted.

"Tera!" I shouted and her head snapped in my direction.

"Think you can cause a sinkhole?"

"Big enough for that? ! I don't think so!" she shouted back as she pelted large stones at the demon.

I erected a red barrier to block an incoming blast from Trigon.

"It just has to restrict his leg movements!" I told her as I blasted at Trigon myself.

She nodded.

"I'll try."

Intertia was fighting against Trigons fire demon army.

He was keeping them at bay along with The justice Leauge sidekicks who had just entered the fray. I guessed the Leauge wouldn't be far behind their partners and that made me slightly less nervous, but not by much. Even with more people it was still going be a tough fight.

In the corner of my eye I spotted Maria, silver Trident in hand she summoned an entire ocean from thin air and it lashed out like tenticles grabbing hold of Trigon limbs pulling him down towards the Sinkhole that was starting to form. Myself and slade continued to Bombard the demon Lord with everything we had. I watched in awe as Eli, Superman and Superboy all Delivered a world shattering uppercut to Trigon's face.

The Green Lanterns of earth had all shown up also, though i wondered if Yellow lanterns presense would weaken them.

I watched doctor fate bombard Trigon with a series of Spells all of which were more flashy than effective.

That was until Trigons arm was bound in a mystical chain made from solid light.

"The Lords of order cannot allow the demon Trigon to roam free, begon to hell!" he bellowed blasting Trigon with his full power.

An explosive was fired from the batwing and batman dropped down next to me.

"I'm bringing you down after this!"
He stated coldly.

"If we survive this." I fired back.

"Ryland, help fight against the demons, they're going to overwhelm the Leauge and both of the teenage teams."

I followed slades orders using magic along with the help of Dracula to disperse them.

He whistled, obviously impressed a grin making its way onto his face.

"Dude! You have the power of Trigon now as well, who the hell even are you! "

"I guess you could say I'm a Renegade of sorts."

Dracula laughed, I smiled weakly as my chest pains caused me to freeze and hold my breath.

'Not now, Cancer... Please.' I pleaded internally.

The pain got worse. I screwed my eyes shut tight leaning against a broken building for support my body ached beyong belief from my adrenaline crash as I had taken to calling it.

I had used my adrenaline level controlling ability to overpower my lung pains and other injuries I sustained during the fight with myself. I had managed to kill him after about four hours of non stop action and my body hasn't been able to catch up and heal properly because my healing abilites are on the brink.

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