Chapter 12

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Everything was on fire, everyone was stone.

I was sat on a rock, looking up at Trigon.

He spoke in a language I somehow was able to understand.

"আমি ত্রিগন, আপনি আমার ক্ষমতা দিন, এটা সবসময় আপনার সাথে থাকবে যতদিন আপনি আপনার অতীত কাজ খারাপ মনে."

He finished speaking awaiting my response.

I stood up and he levitated me up to his face.

"এগিয়ে যাও, আমাকে এই ধরনের শক্তি দিয়ে বিশ্বাস করো, কিন্তু আমাকে দোষ দিও না যদি আমি তোমাকে দুঃখিত করি." I said to him before I was zapped with Red and black energy.

He smirked amused by my attitude

"তোমরা আমার কাছে শপথ কর, আমি সেই ব্যক্তিকে ফিরিয়ে দেব, যা তোমরা জীবন থেকে হারিয়ে ফেলেছি." he spoke the ancient language again.

I knew what was coming.

I nodded and he set me down into the ground.

I got onto my knees and spoke to myself. "আমি রিল্যান্ড উইলসন, প্রেত ত্রিগন বের করে আনার অঙ্গীকার করছি."

My dream ended and I begrudgingly began to open my eyes. I was blinded by white lights that sent my head into emense pain. I clamped my eyes shut waiting for my headache to dissappear.

It got better but it was still there.

There was nobody in the room.
I opened my palm and began to whisper a spell.

"মাথাব্যথা সঙ্গে যথেষ্ট." a red spark of demonic magic apeared onto my finger. The energy tingled as I pressed it to my temple feeling it wash over my head ridding me of pain.

A temporary fix of course.

I'd have to thank Trigon for giving me power over demonic magic, so far it's proved useful as a painkiller.

I heard a door open and guessed i was in the med bay after being slammed into a stone wall by Green Lantern.

I smiled as a worked up Eli walked in.

"You're awake!" he yelled excitedly his eyes lit up as he saw that Ryland was OK. His shoulders even loosened back up again after being so tensed up with anger.

"I'm awake." Ryland nodded keeping a straight face.

Eli sat on a small plastic chair.

"I'm glad, how are you feeling?"

Like I'm dying of cancer.

"I'm Fine." I lied as I tried to sit up, I winced lying back down my side hurt like hell from were I had been blasted and my chest pain was picking up again, when I'm alone next I'll do a spell to numb that pain as well.

"I'll go tell Lady shiva you're up." he said awkwardly, I smiled slightly, he was cute when he was concerned.

Once he had left the room I glanced at the wall.

"I know you're there." I said raising an eyebrow.

Dad came into few, he had been using magic to camouflage himself.

"And I knew you'd know."  I imaged he smiled behind his mask , he sat at the foot of my bed.

"You're boyfriend really put the smack down on those two heroes, you should've seen him."

I looked at him, pissed.

"it shouldn't have been Eli to jump to defend me! It should have been you!"

He looked at me guilty.


"You're telling me you just stood and watched while I was attacked by members of the justice Leauge without any gear to defend myself?"

"I was going to!"

"Was that before or after Eli!? what if he hadn't been there! I'd have been servery injured and you'd have done nothing to prevent that!" I screamed
Erupting into a coughing fit, blood stained the white sheets.

And my dad's eyes widened.

"You're sick!." he said awkwardly not knowing what to do, I suppose being dead for nine years had that effect.

"I think it's lung cancer." I told him quietly my voice almost inaudible.

He shuffled closer on the bed to hear my weak voice.

"What do you mean severely injured? Your healing wouldn't allow that to happen.... Right?"

"My powers have began to stop working." I said bitterly.

"That's why I'm dying." I choked tears welling up in my eyes.

"I'm sorry, your right, I should have been the one to fight the Leauge. I figured that with your man there you wouldn't need me, now I feel like an absolute dickhead letting my son with cancer fend for himself!" he cried.
Litterally, tears streamed from his one good eye.

I laughed, despite how much it hurt to. "Yeah, you're a dickhead, but that doesn't mean I love you any less, dad."
I gripped his hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

Slade camouflaged again seconds before mother stepped into the room she looked at me and I looked at her.

"I hope you've recovered." she said urgently.

"What's happening!"


I froze.

my heart dropped there was no way the court were still around to attack me.


Other me!
End of chapter 12
Sorry its a shorter one but I promise you next chapter will be much longer.

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