Chapter 3

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I smirked as the others gaped at the sight of the bunker.

It was much larger than the original bunker that I had grown up in. More rooms, more tech and even Zeta tubes that I had installed in all of my bunkers.

Each bedroom was large and had doors that lead to a bar and another door that lead to a hotub.

I decided to add the last two things along with the zeta tubes for whenever I wanted to relax, you know. Have a few drinks, sit in a hotub.

This was basically the closest thing to paradise to ever be within gotham's city limits.

I showed everyone around the place, showing them the important area's like the training rooms, Bedrooms, briefing room, and the main kitchen.

"Who can even afford all this!" Maria asked bewildered her mouth agape.

I smirked at her.

"Me." I said nochelantly telling them that if they want they can explore the place.

They all nodded and followed my next orders for them to fight amongst themselves for what room they want.

The fight was a rather quick one with Nathan and Eli using their super strength to push people out of the way  of the room they wanted.

Skylar just shrugged her shoulders and sauntered off to a room not caring as long as she got one.

Sierra also did the same. Not caring which room she got.

Bart was already gone however, he had used his speed to quickly claim the second biggest room.

Who had the biggest you may ask?

Well obviously me.

Cheshire quietly walked over to me.

"You're not gonna pick a room?" I asked her surprised.

"I will later, I have to go. I have a child to care for now."

I nodded.

"Jade, you don't have to do this you know. I can find someone to replace you." I told her honestly.

She shook her head thanking me for offering. "I'll be fine, I can easily get a baby sitter for a few hours." she insisted.

"As long as you're able to get a babysitter, I don't want you putting villian work before your daughers needs!" I said sternly. Causing her to smile.

"You always did have a soft spot for her." Jade chuckled brushing past me.

"Recognised, Cheshire, C7."

I heard the Zeta tube anounce her departure moments later.

I heard a loud bang come from Eli's room and I quickly rushed in to see what had happened.

Turns out he had tried swatting a fly too hard and had slapped a whole through his wall.

"At least you killed it." I said positively ignoring the gaping whole in his wall.

"Sorry." the kryptonian smiled meekly.  I haven't been out of a pod for very long and I haven't learned how to control my strength."

I waved him off.

"Its fine, honestly. It's nothing a few hundred can't fix, and besides you can stay in my room with me, I have a spare bed."

"U-um are you S-sure" he stuttered nervously as he awkwardly scratched his arm. He wouldn't make eye contact instead he kept his steady gaze on the floor.

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