Chapter 7

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Lex Luthor sat behind his desk, mercy standing guard at his side.

Lex raised an eyebrow at the security footage.

He turned to his guard.

"Mercy, a fly is about to come through a window. Kill it for me."

Renegade came crashing through lex's main office widow dropping mercy to the ground with a kick.

"I'm a hard fly to sqaush, Luthor." Renegade stated coldly, he threw an acid pellet at Mercy and watched as it dissolved her.

Lex gave the boy a slow round of applause.

"You've got guts, son, Coming in here attacking me. I commend you for your bravery."

Renegade grabbed a hold of lex he held him out of the broken window by his shirt.

"How dare you!"

"You're a smart person Luthor, you know why I'm here."

"I do, but I'm afraid you won't get it."

"How long does a human take to reach terminal velocity?" Renegade asked as he loosened his grip in Luthor letting him slip ever so slightly.

"Alright! The way to Dissarm the bomb in project match's head is in my safe!" Luthor yelled

"Open it." Renegade threw him back into the room.

Lex calmly got up dusting himself off.

"Carefull, you'll crease the new suit."

He walked over to a painting of himself and used a finger scanner
and the vault opened.

Renegade held a gun to Luthor head telling him to get what he came for.
He followed lex in not knowing if he had weapons hidden away in the vault or not.

Lex handed him a silver brief case saying it contained the detonater saying that he could figure out how to disarm the bomb in his own time.

Renegade nodded pushing Luthor backwards existing the vault.

He hacked into the scanner locking Lex inside.

He then strode off towards Luthors computer inserting a flashdrive to copy any and all information onto it.
Once he had everything he wiped the entire computer even going as far as to create his own virus that would Wipe all information on all lex Corp servers and delete any information added after the virus.

Happy Lex Luthors research had been brought to a screeching halt Renegade left via the window ignoring a livid lex Luthor threatening him.

Renegade had everything, including lex Luthors Bank details. He smiled mischievously as he donated every last penny of Luthors money to charitable organisations across the world.

He sat in his room, drawing up blue prints.

He was building another bunker.

A luna bunker on the surface of the moon.

He had Sierra use her lantern powers to take up the building supplies and a crew of evil construction workers who had built the hall of doom for the Injustice Leauge.

It would take a year to put the place together and then another few months after that to wire the place up with zeta tubes and computers.

The luna bunker was to serve as their Back up HQ if the one they were in now was to ever be discovered.

Eli had been taken into surgery to remove the bomb in his skull after Renegade had disarmed it.

And Renegade was happy, so happy in fact he actually did good in gotham City tonight. He saved a young girl from being sexuaky assaulted, keep in mind though that the one who tried to assault her is still dead.

There was a knock on his door and Ryland opened it to see Inertia standing there with no shirt on

His face turned red slightly but he hid is surprise and embarrasment well.

"Lady shiva wants to talk to you boss."
Inertia sped off after delivering his message.

Ryland found shiva in the control room.

He had both hands on her hips and her lips were pursed.

Uh oh. Here comes the bollocking.

"How was your visit to Lex Corp?"
She asked giving him the look.

Ryland shrugged his shoulders.

"Meh, the buffet was bad, the bedrooms appalling, there was almost zero customer service." he joked causing a small smile to make its way onto Shiva's face.

"This is serious! Lex Luthor isn't a person you want going up against you!" she giggled.

"Neither am I." Renegade said before he left via the Zeta tubes but not before saying that he would be out later as he had a business meeting to attend at the Wilson inc tower.

Shiva shook her head as the tubes announced his departure.

"Recognised: Renegade A15."

She walked to the medical bay of the bunker to check up on Match. He had woken up after hours of surgery and the bomb was out and had been disarmed and destroyed.

Shiva noticed the bent Medical tools.
Kryptonite laced eqipmant was how they managed to cut through his skin.

Once she was ire everything was fine she headed to her room in the bunker.

She was tired after completing a contract.


Kaldur was in critical condition, artemis had a shattered jaw, Robin got lucky and was only shot and stabbed once each and red robin was also lucky and got off with zero injuries as far as martian manhunter could see.

Bart had been beaten to a bloody pulp and was knocked out still with a broken nose and badly bust lip. He had bruses on every inch of his skin.

Even Connor had taken damage, he had a large bruise on his left eye and a bloody nose.  He said that he had fought against Match, the cadmus clone of superman that had came before him.

Me'gann was unharmed but felt guilty that she didn't help more, she said that she was busy fighting off "Evil bart." after Impulse had been taken down.

Batman watched them all her patched up, he had a few cut and minor stab wounds from Renegade and a shuriken lodged in his shoulder but nothing fatal.

Behind his mask he had a red eye.
Batman looked At Barbra, Dick, Damian and Tim. He wad glad they hadn't been harmed as much as they could have been.

He left the room martian manhunter following him.

"Batman, you cannot leave."

Bruce stopped, he grit his teeth and faced his friend.

"Jhon, I'll do what I please!"


"Not Now!"

Martian manhunter flinched at the bat's tone. He decided he could spend all day arguing and suspected he'd get nowhere with Bruce. He let him go.

End of chapter 7

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