Chapter 10

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I stood in jump city, the sky was tainted blood red and demonic creatures dominated the place.

My team had been killed and so had Batman's. The titans were also dead, it was only me and a giant red demon guy.

"What happened here?" my voice echoed throughout the destroyed city.

People had been turned to stone and lava replaced any and probably all water in the world.

"I happened...or rather I will happen."
The demon guy bellowed from his throne.

His four eyes glowed red and red energy zapped me and my body began to burn. "You... Slade Wilson's boy, mmmmmh, you will be the one to bring me to your world!" I let out a cry of agony as I collapsed to the floor on my knees hunched over, smoke coming from me as my Pj's were seered off.

"Your father, is... Well I wouldn't say alive. But he's back in some way thanks to me. For that you owe me, serve me and I shall reunite the two of you for all eternity." the demon stated bordely. I felt like I had been punched.


"Yes, my boy?" Slade asked as he lifted be back onto my feet using some strange orange telekinesis. He was wearing his deathstroke suit once more.

The demon guy sighed obviously irritated.

"I gave you orders!" he snapped at slade, slade didn't listen.

Also how did he use telekinesis!

I was about to hug him but I found that I couldn't.

Slade smiled sadly behind his mask, though he knew his son couldn't see it. "living mortals cannot make contact with the dead, not physically at least."

"Slade!" the demon snapped impatiently

Slade ground his teeth.

"I have to go now it appears I'm on a tight schedule. don't look for me."
Slade warned as he Dissappeared.

"Slade, Dad! Don't go please." I tried I beg him but he shook his head slowly as he backed away into the shadows.

"Remember, don't look for me!"

Everyone was confused when they woke up.

Ryland Wilson, the stone cold killer himself. Was making pancakes for them!

Bart wasn't complaining, he sped over and grabbed the plate that had 11 pancakes on.

"Thanks boss."

Eli smiled when he saw the state Ryland was in.

He was dancing to Abba's dancing queen and had flour in his hair and all over his Pj's and face.

He handed Sierra and Maria their plates after he had made their pancakes, they watched in shock as he flipped them expertly and almost clapped when they landed on their plates perfectly on the middle after being flipped out of the pan.

"You're in a good mood this morning."
Lady shiva said to her son as she walked into the kitchen.

"Where'd you get your pancake flipping skills from? that's what I want to know." she asked as Ryland leant against the counter waiting for his mother's pancake to cook.

"Belive it or not but dad taught me, he was a wizard when it came to cooking, especially his birthday pancakes."

Shiva was taken aback, slade could cook? She nodded and smiled thanking her son for making her breakfast.

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