Chapter 13

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I felt like an idiot, why?

Because after taking down the court I completely forgot to take down my clone!

Now he's probably recruited and trained new Talons just to get revenge on me.

Funny how life works huh. You hire an army and use it to kill people, next thing you know someone is doing the same thing back to you.

Call it karma if you want. I know I will. I wheezed immensely as I ran to get my Renegade suit on. 'Shit, the symptoms of lung cancer include wheezing, being short of breath, coughing and that cough not going away, coughing up blood, and chest pains.'  I shook he train of thought from my head. Talons first, death by lungs later. My entire body felt weak, I was in no condition to fight. Rushing out now fully dressed in my ass kicking atire I could see that Talons had indeed invaded, my main concern was my team, they had zero knowledge of how to fight a talon much less 30 at once.

In the mass of bodies trapped inside the enclosed bunker I spotted the red of my mother's costume I grinned as she held her own against two at once.
I dodged and weaved my way through trying to shut down the zeta tubes and  place the bunker on lock down to prevent any more getting in.

I managed to lock the place down and deactivate the tubes.

I looked back at the mess of bodies behind me and sighed as I drew my sword.

This was going to take a while.

Slade Wilson's boy intruged Trigon, not the boy in this reality however as he was just a meatbag but rather alternative versions of him, Trigon saw Slades son fighting along side Batman against slade as Robin, Slade remained the same but another boy had taken up the mantel of Renegade.
This boy was Batman's son. The original Robin.

Then there was a reality where Ryland was deathstroke and was fighting against the Teen titans with a son of his own as his Renegade.

There was also a one were Ryland was a normal boy, he had a boyfriend and an adopted sibling But he was missing
After the boy he liked had killed himself. (Its called replacing him, a story I'm writing now.)

But by far the most interesting to Trigon was a reality were Ryland was still Renegade, but he was a hero for hire. Yet he still refused to live with batman even after slade had disowned him, stripped him of his Renegade title.

In another one he had become the leader of the Teen Titans and lead an attack against Trigon himself... But Renegade had brought Trigon to earth in the first place.

Trigon pondered things for a moment, should he fail somehow he needed a backup plan.

An evil smile came to the demons face. He would cast a simple spell.

One that would leave Renegade regreting everything should he betray the demon lord.

Raven erected a purple barrier as Slade blasted at her with hellfire.
Slade let out an agrivated sigh as he stopped messing around melting through he barrier with now white hot flame.

"Come on, girl, Trigon awaits!" slade said harshly as he grabbed her by the wrist tightly.

He had taken down the other titans easily, Nightwing and red Robin had the reach invasion to deal with and Robin was in gotham with batman as joker had unexpectedly broken out of arkham. It had only been Raven, Starfire and Cybord at the tower.

"You couldn't have made it easier!"
Slade taunted as the daughter of Trigon struggled to break free of his iron grip.

He delivered a quick blow to her temple watching in satisfaction as her body fell limp, he hoisted her over his shoulder creating a portal for him to step through.

his job was almost done.

The team were in shock, they had just stopped black beatles plan to destroy earth.

Only... The price had been too high.

Wally West, the hero that had died saving the earth, will be missed.

They thought they'd all have a break now, now that the reach had been dealt with.

The watchtower flashed red in warning.

Jump city....... Had just been wiped out
In an explosion

The team and the Leauge could all see the earth from were they stood they all watched in horror as the green turned gray and the oceans turned a firey orange-ish red.

"Everyone get ready!" Batman ordered. "We're all going down to investigate, restock any gear and meet your mentor in ten minutes by the zeta tubes!"

"Batman!" Superman yelled pulling up footage from what seemed like
A news helicopter.

"This is Lois Lane! If any justice Leauge members are seeing thi- Oh god there's kids down there!"

The footage showed what Lois had said, there were in fact kids they seemed to be fighting against a giant red demon guy.

Batman's eyes widened on his cowl.

"That's Ryland!"

"We need to help him." Nightwing said urgently.

"His team are mighty but even they are not powerful enough to deal with Trigon." Wonder woman remarked in agreement. It took 30 minutes to get down to earth some magical presense was disrupting the zeta tubes.

"Nightwing, you and your team will assist Ryland's in taking down his demonic forces, if you get done with all of them... You can combined forces and fight against Trigon with us."  Batman said over coms.

"Copy that!" Nightwing said as he relayed orders to the team who had just made contact in jump city. They spotted the fire demons pretty quickly and went to work attacking them.


Trigon bellowed at us as we continued to attack him from a distance.

"Eli, stay away from his magic!" I warned and he nodded as he sped off
Delivering a super sonic punch to  Trigon's face this caused the demon to lose his balance and stumble backwards.

Myself and Slade regrouped.

"Any regrets incase we die?"

"Only that I died and missed the most important years of your life."

I grinned lighting my hands on fire.

"What are our odds of winning?"

"About 00000000000000000.1%"

I cackled.

"I'll take it." and together we blasted the demon.

It felt good to be back in a fight with slade again.

I had forgotten how much I had really missed him


End of chapter 13

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