Chapter 4

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(Song in the media is Dead man walking, by war hall I've decided it shall be Renegades official theme.)

Lady shiva arched her eyebrow as The huntsman sauntered into the room late for her mission briefing.

"You're late, why!" she inquired receiving a cold glare from the boy.

"None of your business, Shiva." he dared to say.

"listen here boy!" she spat storming over to him getting close up in his face giving him a nervewrachinf glare

"If you want to be a member of this team you will come to mission, when. I. Ask!"

Huntsman backed away slightly uncomfortable with shiva right in his face.

She turned to the boy she had helped deathstroke raise.

She had always been Rylands mother figure, that's why she asked to watch over the young villians and train them, she wanted to make sure he didn't do anything he'd regret ever again. That and after he was taken both herself and deathstroke blamed themselves for not training and protecting him enough, she wasn't able to be there for him then, but she could be now. She wasn't wasting this opportunity.

She wasn't going to let anyone take her son ever again.

"Renegade,after the briefing I want to talk to you." she told her son quietly.

Renegade nodded at his mother.

"What's our mission?" he then asked.

Shive typed in a few keys on a compute monitor keypad and a hologram activated.

It showed the figure of Bane.

"Bane has requested help with defending his island tonight, a few informants told him that the heroes were planning something to do with santa prisca."

Most likely it isn't the Leauge but their partners that will be sent to the island." Renegade pointed out.

"You may very well be correct, Renegade. But If the Leauge shows up instead get out of there as fast and as stealthy as possible."

Ocean dweller raised her hand and shiva told he to speak her mind.

"If the sidekicks show up, can we fight em?"

Shiva smiled, a wicked glint in her eyes.

"You have permission to kill."

"Renegade is team leader, I expect you to follow his orders like you would follow your mentors." shiva said as sternly letting them know that she had expectations that she demanded must be met.

The briefing was wrapped up and as shiva left Hunstman had an outburst.

"You! Leader? Don't make me laugh!"

Renegade turned towards him glaring, the others backed away smirking to themselves.

They knew Renegade from reputation only, they knew that they were in for a show right about now.

"Is there an issue? Huntsman?" The mercenary asked coldly taking a step forwards.

"Yes, actually. You're nothing but a child! I'm insulted to have to take orders from someone who looks like a fourteen year old!" Hutsman snapped drawing his bow incase Renegade pounced.

It happened so fast that only Match and Inertia could follow.

The Huntsman's bow fell to the floor slower than its owner, Huntsman groaned as his head smacked off of the solid stone floor. He found himself staring up the barrel of a pistol Renegades foot planted firmly on his chest the younger boy was so strong the Huntsman found himself unable to force the younger off.

If you have an issue, then please, by all means. Quit, otherwise I'll take you off the team the hard way!" Renegade growled lowly as he clocked his gun to add the fear factor.

"Fuck this! I quit, you hear me! I QUIT! SO GET OFFA ME!" the Huntsman yelled his voice panicky.

He was let up off the floor and watched Renegade werily, his eyes wild with fear.

He picked up his bow and ran for the zeta tubes.

Renegade revived cheers and a round of applause as he walked towards the zeta console revoking the Huntsmans access to any and all zeta tubes.

"Follow me." he told his team as he strode away towards the hanger.

The Renjet wasn't anything special it was just a luxurious private jet with Camouflage, an incomplete prototype warp speed drive and missiles.

The back opened up to let them all on and the others marveled remarking that they'd never been I something this luxurious before.

"You're kidding? The bunker you now live in is like a mansion! Never been in a luxurious place my black and orange arse!"

The hanger door opened and they shot out towards Santa Prisca with Renegade piloting.

Renegade felt the rush he had long since forgotten. And to him it felt freeing.

Perhaps he wasn't going to regret this as much anymore.

And he had Eli to help, that was always something for him to look into to keep himself occupied when not facing life or death situations in which he had a habit of getting himself into.

End of chapter 4

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