Chapter 11

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(Enjoy a cheesy love song.)

I walked out of the cinema beaming for once in years since dad's death.
Eli's fingers brushed against my own and I heard the others gasp.

"Just kiss already!" They all groaned.

Eli grabbed hold of me turning me so I was facing him.

"You heard them, princess." he pressed his lips to my own and i smirked pulling away.

"We aren't dating yet, so no kisses."


The others walked away leaving us to ourselves.

"Now that they're gone, what should we do?"

"Do for wha- oh our first date." he laughed at himself sayian that he was an idiot.

"Sadly you won't get to to that boys."
Green lantern and Flash showed up having probably been told by nightwing that we were here.

I watched as Eli sped towards Barry delivering a jaw shattering punch knocking the guy unconscious, for good measure he used his Heat vision to cut flashes tendons rendering him unable to move.

Green lantern fired a blast of conclusive green light towards me the blast hit and I was sent flying into a wall, there was a sickening crack as my head made contact with the solid stone wall.

Eli was pissed, he pounded on Green Lanterns light barrier causing it to shatter. He delivered super sonic punches that could be heard from across the planet.

By the time Eli was done, Green Lantern was a bloody mess he had been knocked out a while ago.

Eli let him go, speeding over to Ryland who had a concussion.

"Fucking dick!" Eli growled as he picked up the boy bridal style flying off at top speed towards the nearest Zeta tube creating a sonic boom.

He found it within sixty seconds.
He landed as gently as possible not wanting to risk hurting Ryland further.

He pushed past the others who all demanded to know what had happened. They dropped it and moved out the way when they saw his glare.

He placed Ryland in the med bay calling for shiva.

"What happened!"

"Green Lantern and Flash happened!"
He snapped at her.

"Tell me you killed them!"

"I would have, but I didn't know if Ryland was injured badly or not on the inside from the blast so I got him here as fast as possible."

"There's blood on your knuckles."
She noted. "Good."

"I'll take care of him, thank you."
Eli nodded and left trying to calm himself down.

He decided to walk around the bunker, explore some of the rooms he'd never seen before.

He'd discovered that their was an entirety new level below the one their rooms were on.

So far he'd found a cinema room, why Ryland didn't just take them down their to see endgame he didn't know.

He had also found a training room, that created solid holographic sparing targets.

He decided to give it a whirl.

A hologram of green lantern appeared and Eli hit it with everything he had, throwing it against walls and blasting it with heat vision.

He panted slightly taking in the damage he had caused.

He felt a little bit better but no amount of punching Green Lantern could rid him of the concern he felt to Ryland.

He'd better be alright otherwise Green Lantern will regret ever being born.


Hal regret everything, his face was unrecognisable after his encounter with Renegades Boyfriend? His fuckbuddy? His friend with some benefit? Hal wasn't sure about their relationship.  He didn't care, he felt like an asshole attacking an unarmed kid, in the public eye he probably looked like one.

But he had his orders, batman had said to bring him in and to use whatever force was required, but Hal felt that that amount of force wasn't required in that situation and now he felt bad because he acted so harshly.

He could've told Barry to grab the kid
While he held off superman's clone, but even then Hal doubted he'd be able to hold off the clone given that he now sat in the medical bay after having the shit kicked out of him by said clone.

First the kids get taken down and now one leauge member is down also.

Barry took the brunt of the kids attacks. His tendons had Been burned through leaving him immobile. It'd take a day or three to heal properly but Martian manhunter advised waiting two weeks before running.

Batman was pissed, he had went looking for the clone kryptonite in hand. Superman went after him trying to stop him only to receive the green rock. He had backed off after that.

Everyone was still in shock, first their protégés get attacked and one almost killed now these young villians are brave enough to attack and seriously injure members of the justice league.

They'd all have to be on guard from this point on.

End of chapter 11

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