Chapter Two, The First sighting

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"Okay, everyone. It's time for gifts!" my mother shouted.

Ozzy and I sat next to each other on the couch as mom handed us each a gift. My first one was from Dean, and I tore off the wrapping. I was excited. Dean always got me beautiful clothes, or new electronics. Inside the box was a beautiful, strapless, knee-high black dress, with a cute pair of red heels to match.

I thanked Dean and we continued. Colin handed me a small bag, inside of which was a handmade necklace in the shape of a wolf. It was amazing, and I put it on right away. I hugged him, with a slight tint of pink to my face, and thanked him as well before moving on. A lot of people knew my favorite animal, but I only got wolves as birthday gifts. This was the first time Colin had given me something that was shaped like one.

My mother handed me a big bouquet of red roses. "These came while you were at school. Is there someone, or something, I should know about?" Mom asked excited. There were a dozen of them with a note attached:


I hope you enjoy your party. You are the love of my life; I can't wait to be with you.

Yours, Always.

I blushed. "It's not a big deal, Mom." My hands started to feel clammy before I quickly hid the note, shoving it into my pocket. I wasn't about to let someone's stupid idea of a prank ruin my birthday. "It's just someone's idea of a birthday prank."

I tried to keep a smile on my face for the reminder of the party but was grateful when most of the people left at ten, either to go home, or off to more exciting venues without parental supervision.

I was sitting in my bed, and it was around 11:00pm. I was thinking back on everything the happened that day. Oz and I's birthday party was a success, and I had gotten a bunch of new things. Mostly new outfits with new shoes, and some jewelry from my mother. Danny had gotten me a new computer, he told me that Blake offered to help him pay for it, so it was a gift from both.

Some people were still downstairs, mostly just my mother and Dean's friends that they had invited so they had people to talk to. I was happy about that, though, because I could still hear Colin laughing, and I had come to realize I needed his help to set up my new computer. I didn't know much about computers except Facebook and other apps. So, I started making my way downstairs to ask Colin to come help me.

I found him and Dean sitting in the living room talking to each other and watching a movie.

"Colin, can you come help me for a minute?" I asked.

"Yeah, Ivy. What do you need?" he asked.

"I need help with setting up my new computer," I told him. He nodded his head, and we headed back upstairs to my room. "Thanks for helping."

My face heated up after I realized that Colin was in my room, and I started to giggle like a schoolgirl.

"No problem, Giggles." Colin had never before made it to the upstairs of our house.

As soon as he saw me blush, he smiled. I looked down and decided to get changed while he set up the computer.

"It's there, I'm going to go change," I said as he took a seat at my desk.

I walked into my closet and undressed, putting on my red fluffy pajamas. Colin was still in my room messing around on my computer when I was done, so I went into my bathroom to keep myself far away from him. I brushed my teeth slowly in the hope that he would be done by the time I went back into my room; he was not. He was still there typing away on it.

"How's it going?" I asked walking over to see what he was doing.

"About done. So, who were the flowers from?" he asked.

Yours Always: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now