Chapter Seven, Vacation

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We were finally home from the hospital, all of us, including Daryl, who was still dead set on going with us on vacation. I, myself, thought that the vacation would have been canceled, but everyone still wanted to go. However, my dad was making both James and Ryan come along to watch over me. Dean also decided to invite Colin for some reason. I think they're back to being friends, which was a good thing.

It was already 02:00 in the morning. I was happy that both boys were able to come home. Daryl's wound was the worst; he told us that he cracked a few ribs from falling down and hitting his bedframe. They were both eager to go on vacation and decided not to let the shooting stop them.

Everyone was getting ready for bed. We had to be up early the following day, and we would only get about four hours of sleep because the flight was at 10:30. I went into my room and changed into my night clothes; I then went to Ozzy's room to sleep. I was no longer scared to sleep in my room, but I almost lost him, and I just wanted to be with him.

Daryl was laying down on Oz's gaming couch, and I laid on his bed. Daryl and I exchanged looks, and I felt guilty. He had been discharged, but he was still having trouble talking. Everything he said came out in a squeak. Oz came out of his bathroom and laid down next to me. He wrapped me up in his arms and turned on his TV. I was so tired it didn't take me long to fall asleep.

The alarm went off at 08:00 in the morning, and I didn't want to get out of bed. Oz shook me a few times to wake me up, but I didn't respond. He then left, and I heard his shower start up. Not long after I felt myself being lifted into the air by my brother with a hurt shoulder. "I can walk, you know. You're hurt and shouldn't be lifting me."

He didn't say anything, and I was soon laid in his tub. I woke up little by little. It was hard to stay asleep when you were fully clothed in a bathtub.

Everything was sticking to me, and I hated it. I looked at Oz, and he was laughing at me. The painkillers must have been doing their job because if I didn't otherwise know what had happened the night before, I would think he was fine.

He left the bathroom once he saw I was awake, and I stripped out of the wet clothes. I was washing my hair when I heard the bathroom door open. In walked Daryl. He smiled at me and went to brush his teeth. "Daryl... Please leave."

He winked at me and shook his head. It was a good thing there was a shower curtain around the tube, or he would have gotten a free show. I glared at him, and he squeaked at me, trying to say something. I tried my best not to laugh, but it was no use. I burst out laughing and found out it was the wrong thing to do.

He shook his head, spit out his toothpaste, and started tugging on the curtain, almost opening it. "Daryl," I shouted, but I was still laughing.

"Pick... on... my squeak... again?" he threatened, which just made me laugh harder because I thought it was cute. He wasn't as badass now that he squeaked when he talked.

"You need to get out so I can," I said.

"Then... get out," he replied.

"Cover your eyes," I said, blushing.

He shook his head, but I gave him a look and he rolled his eyes and turned his head.

I quickly got out of the bath and wrapped a towel around me. Oz's bathroom was so messy. I tripped over clothing the whole way out to the bedroom. I got dressed and took a seat in the chair. Oz was sitting on his bed and laughing at me. "Did you have fun with Daryl in there?"

"No. I'm still a virgin, but you could have saved me. You wouldn't be laughing at this if you weren't still loopy from painkillers," I replied.

"No, it was way funnier to let things go. I heard the whole thing. Did he get in with you?"

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