Chapter Ten, Set Up

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"How do you know it's one of my men?" my father asked.

"At my house, the window was broken open from the outside. Here, the window wasn't broken open. It was opened to try and trick us into thinking that someone had broken in," Dean replied.

"Okay. James, Ryan," my dad yelled. Within a few minutes, both were standing in my room.

"One of you is to be with Ivy at all times, switch up every twelve hours," Dad ordered.

"Yes, Boss," they replied.

James left the room while Ryan stayed behind, making himself comfortable in the lounge chair in my room. Dean closed and locked the window and started making himself a bed on the floor.

"Dean, I'll be all right, sleeping on the floor is not needed. Also, Ryan is here, so nothing will happen to me." I was trying to reason with him, but it was no use. He just gave me a look, and then looked at Ryan, and then continued making his bed.

"Well, if he is going to be sleeping here, Ryan, you can go. When Ivy wakes up, I want you with her. Inform James of the change to the plan," my father said.

"Yes, Sir."

Ryan left the room along with my father. Dean moved his bed to the lounge chair, which would be more comfortable than sleeping on the floor. I picked up the new phone that had been left on my bed and turned it on. There were three messages:

Hey Baby, I saw you in the hospital. I really wish you would wake up.

Good you are finally awake. I was worried you would never wake up.

I love your room, it is so nice in here, I love you, Baby, I will see you tonight.

By the time I was done reading them, I was crying. Dean took a seat on the edge of my bed and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so scared, Dean. I don't know what to do," I admitted.

"I'm here. Don't worry, Angel. I even took more time off work. It's a good thing I have so many vacation days saved up," he said, and we both giggled.

"I'm sorry about my dad. What he said today... it wasn't right, and it's not true."

"I understand why he said it. Eric and Amy were high school sweethearts; he's hurting too. Love like that doesn't just go away. That's why your mother had to take out a restraining order on him."

"Can you turn on the TV? Maybe with some background noise I could fall asleep." He nodded and grabbed the remote.

"Try to get some sleep. I'm going to stay with you all night so there is nothing to worry about." He pulled me back into a hug and I felt safe.

It didn't take long for me to fall asleep, I was so tired. I woke up shortly afterwards to the sound of Dean moving about but fell back asleep.

"Ms. Turner... Ivy..." I heard Ryan's voice calling. I opened my eyes, and he was standing in the doorway.

"Yeah, Ryan. What's up?"

"Your father would like to see you. He said its important."

"All right, I'll be there soon." He nodded and shut the door.

I looked around and saw Dean hanging halfway off my bed; he must have fallen asleep himself. The way he was lying made me chuckle. His entire top half was on the floor. He is going to be hurting today.

I let out a huff and got out of bed, rushing into my bathroom to quickly brush my teeth. I didn't even bother changing before I made my way to my dad's office. He was sitting at his desk looking deep in thought.

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