Chapter Eight, Mom

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The day at the beach went well. I was surprised that both Dean and Colin made it through. It took a lot out of them, but they both agreed that the cool water made them feel better. I will have to remember that when I'm of age to drink, although, I never plan on getting as drunk as they were. It was funny. Dean had to ride with me, and Colin rode with Oz when we were surfing.

Everyone was back in their room getting ready for bed. I took off my swimming suit and realized I got severely sunburnt, thank God Dean bought us pale skins some aloe vera lotion. I put on a big shirt and a pair of boxers and made my way out to get the lotion.

"Colin, will you help me, please? I can't reach my back," I asked.

He gave me a look but nodded his head anyway.

I moved over to him and handed him the bottle. I lifted my shirt in the back, and he quickly did up my back for me. "Thanks."

"Anytime," he replied, giving me a smile. I blushed and giggled. Knowing that he liked me as well made my heart melt. For a few seconds he looked shy.

I went back over to my bed and laid down. Colin was watching Gold rush on TV, and I actually really liked that show, so I watched for as long as I could but soon felt my eyes getting heavy. Today had been a very long day. Before I could shut my eyes, I heard my phone go off.

Goodnight baby, I love you. I also have a surprise for you when you come home. Almost everything is ready, then we can be together, I only have three things left to take care of. I can't wait.

"Colin, I'm scared," I said, looking at him.

He sat next to me and took my phone. The message scared the shit out of me.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you," he said.

"Things don't look good for me, Colin. We don't even know who this is," I said, as tears came to my eyes.

Colin quickly wiped them away with his thumbs. "It won't happen. I will stay with you 24/7 if I have to. No one will take you from me," he replied, pulling me into a hug, and kissing the top of my head.

This was the time. I knew I could get him in trouble, but he needed to know how I felt. I plucked up the courage and let out a breath.

"Colin, if something does happen to me, I want you to know that... I love you," I stuttered out.

"I love you too, Giggles," he replied in a whisper. My eyes went wide, it was one thing to know it, but another to hear him say it. He lifted my head. "You can't repeat that to anyone," he said, and then he kissed me. "Or tell anyone," he continued to say after he pulled back from the kiss.

My heart was beating a mile a minute, and I just wanted to kiss him more. It was such a gentle kiss, but I felt it had a lot of meaning to it. Colin then pulled away from me. We both new how much trouble this could bring on him. Even though I felt like I was old enough to make up my own mind, the courts wouldn't see it that way.

We laid in my bed and cuddled most of the night. I felt so comfortable with him. I fell asleep lying on his chest. His arms were wrapped around me the whole night, and I swear I was in heaven. I had the best dream while sleeping next to Colin. However, when I woke up reality hit me.

What was I going to do about my stalker, and what was going to happen if he found out about Colin and me? Not that I really knew what was going on between Colin and me myself, but I was worried.

He almost killed Daryl just because of a date. I didn't even want to think about what he would do because of a kiss. He didn't find out when Daryl kissed me so, hopefully, he wouldn't find out about Colin kissing me. When I tried to get out of bed, Colin pulled me back in, tightening his grip in the process. I giggled. Never in a million years did I think this would happen.

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