Chapter Fourteen, Like Lions

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I was at the hospital once again. It seemed like I couldn't escape that place. Daryl got thirty stitches altogether, small ones to reduce scarring. He also had three broken ribs and a fractured jaw.

I was on my way to see Colin. He was here as well, and I hadn't had a chance to see him before we made our way here. I was hoping he was okay, even though he started it. When I made it to his room, I saw him sitting on the bed with his hand in a cast. When I saw his arm strapped up, I realized he must have been hitting Daryl really hard.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked.

"Like you care," he snapped.

"Don't say that. I said I was sorry. What else can I do? I was hoping you would understand what I'm going through. You are acting just like my stalker right now."

"I told you what to do. You said no, and that you want to be with him. And don't ever compare me to your stalker again," he replied. "You tell people all the time about how Daryl and Zac are players, yet here you are, dating him."

"I'm not leaving him, Colin. I was happy for most of the night, and I want to feel happy again. Also, I only compared you to the stalker because you were acting like him." I replied. "Beating the shit out of Daryl because I want to be with him. Throwing a temper tantrum because you are not getting what you want. Telling me to leave him, that you don't like it. Come on, Colin. Who does that sound like to you?"

"I could make you happy too, Ivy. Your boyfriend broke my hand and fractured my arm." I could tell he was trying to calm himself down.

"It wasn't Daryl that did that. You did."

"Well if he didn't take you away from me, I wouldn't have had to teach him a lesson, and my arm would be fine," he replied.

"Whatever. We'll do this your way. What else did he do to you?"

"I had to get my stiches redone, and some minor scrapes here and there."

"Okay." I went to leave.

"Don't go. I don't want you to be with him. Please stay with me. I love you, and I can make you just as happy as he can, if not more so. Just come and sit with me."

"I can't, I have to go. Please stop acting like this. You really do remind me of my stalker, and I can't handle that. I'll check on you later," I replied.

"Don't bother," he yelled at me as I shut the door.

I felt like crying. I had hoped Colin wasn't going to be angry with me. By the time I got back to Daryl's room, he was getting ready to go. "Please tell me I at least hurt him a little bit?" he asked.

"Yeah, we both did. Let's just get back to my place." I knew I had hurt Colin, and I was upset with myself, even though I was happy with Daryl.

"All right, I'm ready. Let's get going."

Dean was waiting for us outside and drove us home. He was in detective mode and asking us questions about what happened the whole way.

It wasn't the best time I have had with Dean, but at least it was him asking the questions and not someone else. He was not too happy about us dating either, but he didn't make a big deal about it like Colin had, because he said he already knew since we went on vacation.

When we finally made it home, I was tired. Yet again I hadn't had much sleep the previous night, and it was taking its toll on me. I was going to go to bed, but my dad was waiting for me in the living room, and he looked angry.

"Want to tell me what happened?" he growled.

"I started dating Daryl and Colin got angry. They beat the shit out of each other."

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