Chapter Twelve, Show Down

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I rushed to Oz's side, confused

"Oz, what the hell just happened?" I asked in a panic.

"Your stalker just came in shooting up the place. You need to call the police now," he said, handing me his phone.

I took it and called the station. "911. What's your emergency?"

"My stalker just came into my dad's house and started shooting everyone. I was hiding in the closet, so I don't know who else is hurt. He left when my brother shot him," I explain.

"Stay calm, ma'am. I need your name, and address and I will send help."

"Ivy Turner," I replied, rattling off my address. "Please hurry! I don't know how many people are hurt."

"Do you have a place you can hide for now?"

"I need to go check on my family, I know they didn't go down easily."

"Ma'am,, I need you to stay where you are."

"I'm the safest person here," I replied, knowing my stalker would never hurt me.

"I can't stop you from going. However, I need a list of everyone that was in your home at the time of the shooting, First and last names please."

"Eric Turner, he's my father. James Anderson, Ryan Martin, Mason Parker, Lisa Willow, Ozzy Turner, my twin brother, Dean Walker, he's my stepfather-"

"Are you talking about Head Detective Dean Walker?"

"Yes," I replied.

I heard the women get back on her radio. "Advise all units: shots fired, officer needs assistance immediately. Caller reports eight known persons in the home, including herself.'

I guess they move quicker when one of their own gets hurt.

I went to leave the closet and Ozzy tried to stop me but I pushed him back. "He isn't going to hurt me, we know this. I have to go out and check on people. Stay here," I said, shoving him back. He wasn't happy about it, but he did as I asked.

When I walked out of Ozzy's room the first thing I noticed was Colin. I rushed over to him and saw he had been shot in the arm and leg. He was still alive, and I told him that I had already called the cops for help. The lady was still on the phone with me and I informed her that another person was wounded named Colin Nelson. He tried standing up, but I pushed him back down and sat him up against the wall. I moved on, only to be grabbed my arm.

"Stay here," Colin whispered.

I shook my head and ripped my arm away from him and continued. He wasn't even supposed to be here. I had told him to stay away, but now wasn't the time to be angry. I should have known he wasn't going to listen.

I saw James and Ryan lying on the ground as well, guns in their hands, by the front door. They had also been shot but they were fine and already trying to stand back up for round two. My stalker was smart, taking them out first with lower stomach shots; they wouldn't think twice about killing him. I was confused my stalker always aimed for the arms or legs, but then again, I only saw a black hoodie. It had to be him though, who else would have done something like this. They were too busy tending to each other to notice me walk by.

I walked a little further on and saw Lisa on the ground. I screamed. She was bleeding out from a shot she had taken to the shoulder area; she was way more hurt than the men.

It was then that I noticed Dean lying on the ground, his shot was meant to kill. He was bleeding out of his chest. I also noticed my father had also been shot in the chest. It struck me then, that my stalker had wanted to kill both my dad's. Mason was applying pressure to my father's wound.

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