Chapter Thirteen, Liam

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I walked out of the hospital. Dean showed up behind me when I stopped to take some deep breaths.

"Hey, what's wrong? What happened?" he asked.

"No one will listen to me. I don't want them to continue searching for him. The more people that get close to finding him, the more people are going to get hurt. Why don't you guys just let him take me? Your lives would be much easier," I said, and he wrapped me in his arms and tried to calm me down.

"What has changed, Ivy? You didn't mind them investigating before," he said.

"He doesn't want to hurt people; it just happens that way. He told me himself and then Dad confirmed it. It's only when people get in his way of getting to me. If we leave him be, and I go with him willingly, no one else will get hurt," I explained.

"So, you would rather you get hurt instead? Remember, I will be getting hurt too. I still have to find this bastard even if they don't."

"I have never once worried about you; you know what you're doing. You're smart and wise, and you can call for backup. You're trained for this kind of thing, they're not," I told him honestly. Dean is not someone I have to worry about. If anyone wants to step up to him, I would feel bad for whoever was about to go down.

"That is a good point," he replied, laughing.

I walked out and saw my stalker sitting on my bed, looking through the cellphone he got me. He was in all black and, of course, wearing a ski mask. He had Red contacts in his eyes. Now that I realized the color contacts he wore indicated his mood, I was worried. He wore the red contacts when he was angry. I started to panic but soon controlled my breathing. I walked over to my bed and slowly took a seat next to him. "What do you want? Why are you here?" I asked.

"After everything that has happened, I just wanted to be with you," he said. "I finally feel good enough to come see you. I can't believe Ozzy shot me."

"You scare me. I'm not quite sure what to do now. You have me really confused," I replied.

"How are you confused?"

"I know I am close to you. You made that clear. I just don't understand why you went about things this way. I clearly know the real you, and I would have given anyone a chance. I don't judge people. If you had just asked me out on a normal date, I would have said yes. I don't want you to keep playing my stalker," I said.

By the time I was done talking I was crying. My stalker could easily be anyone I know. I trusted everyone that was close to me.

"You wouldn't have given me a chance. I made a mistake, and now I must get back to where I want to be, with you. I will not hurt any more people, and Lisa was an accident. I didn't want to hurt her. I love you with all my heart, and I didn't see any other way to have you to myself."

"What is going to happen when I do find out who you are? I can't trust you anymore," I replied.

"You can trust me more than other people in your life. You don't know what they do behind your back, I do," he said, grabbing my attention while he yelled at me.

"What does that mean?" I asked confused.

"It just means that they do bad things, too. I may have hurt people, but I know how much I hurt you, and I'm willing to change for you. Are they?"

"It doesn't matter. They didn't hurt the people I love. They didn't shoot them. How can you even try to talk to me after that? I want nothing to do with you and I wish you were dead!" I screamed.

"You know, there is a reason my plan didn't work out this time, because I didn't have a plan. I took advantage of a situation that was happening, which was stupid of me. How many people did I actually shoot, Ivy? I'm not the only bad thing around you. When are you going to see that?"

Yours Always: Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant