Chapter Six, Daryl

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I looked at my phone. Colin was right, there were three messages from my stalker. One read that he wanted to come and visit me in my room that night. The second one complained about the cops outside and how he wished I wouldn't have accepted the night guards.

The third frightened me the most. It said that I looked cute when I slept and that he had found a way in without the cops realizing. It was a good thing that Colin had come over. There was a good chance that his banging on the door scared away my stalker. I didn't like how tonight was going, so I called my father to get some help for Officer Greenly and Officer Fell.

"Hello, Baby Girl," my dad answers.

"Hey, Daddy. So don't panic but it seems my stalker was in my room. He is not impressed with the officers stationed outside, and I was wondering if you could send James or Ryan over to help them out?"

My dad raged down the phone for about ten minutes, after which he finally regained some composure.

"Yeah, I'll send them over. Do you want them inside or just helping keep watch outside?"

"Outside. I want to make sure nothing happens to them," I replied. "Plus, I will be all right. Remember, my stalker likes me; I don't think he would hurt me," I said, trying to make him feel better.

"Okay, are you all right now?"

"Yeah, Colin's here. I'm not sure how long he is staying, but I will be fine."

"Okay, well I just sent them out so they should be there soon."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you, too."

I look over at Colin to see him already making a bed on my lounge chair under my window. "What are you doing?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Well, I'm not going to leave you alone now. I'm sleeping right here," he replied and then laid down.

"I could have just gone to Oz's bedroom."

"Daryl is in there. What? Do you not want to sleep with me again? You didn't seem to mind it last time," he said with a smile. I still wasn't sure how Ozzy forgave Daryl so easily, I guess he just figured he didn't want to lose such a long friendship over a girl.

"You were the one that cuddled with me. I fell asleep first, it was your job to keep me off you," I replied.

"I didn't want to, now go to bed."

I let out a huff and laid back down. I had no trouble falling asleep this time knowing James and Ryan were also outside watching out for me. They are not people to mess with or underestimate; both men were scary.

I woke up the next morning with Colin still asleep on the couch. I walked into my bathroom and took a quick shower and brushed my teeth.

When I got back into my room, Colin was waking up, and I had to rush into the closet because I only had my towel wrapped around me. I got myself dressed and went back out to my room, shutting the door behind me. Colin was sitting on my bed going through his phone. I picked mine up and looked at it:

I'm not sure I like how close you and Colin are getting. It needs to stop.

I let out a huff. If Colin and I could be together, I would be in heaven, but he could get in a lot of trouble if anything happened.

"Did you see the message?" he asked.

"Yeah, from here on out, I don't want you sleeping in my room. I don't want to push him," I replied.

"I like sleeping in your room. I like knowing you're safe. He doesn't scare me, Giggles."

"Well, he does scare me. I won't have it. That's final, Colin," I said, leaving no room for argument.

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