Chapter Nine, The Funeral

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"I'm standing outside of the Walker residence, where last night a brutal murder took place. Amy Walker, wife and mother, was found dead in her bedroom early this morning. Police are still searching the house for evidence. No information about a possible motive has been released to the public. More news at 10, I'm Jamie King and this is RV news at 6," the reporter said.

Just as I turned off the TV, my phone buzzed on the table with a new text message, from my stalker.

You are never going to believe this, but it wasn't me that killed your mother. Who have you told about me?

The message made me cry even harder. Of course it was him, who else would it have been? Another text came in:

Baby, please, it wasn't me. Talk to me. Jesus you're never going to forgive me for this. I didn't do it and I will prove it to you. When I threatened you, I was just angry, and I never said I was going to hurt anyone., I just said that you would regret it. Who knows about our conversations?

I sent a response:

Of course, it was you. I'm not stupid. You killed my mother. I hate you. I saw you. You didn't talk much but I knew it was you. You hurt me, you tied me down and duct-taped my mouth. How could you lie to me? You forgot to cover yourself up last night. I know what you look like, now, and they are hunting for you.

I hated him. Nothing was ever going to make me believe it wasn't him who killed my mother.

Baby, please. Don't say you hate me, this wasn't me. I would never have done those things to you. Duct tape would have hurt you, same with tying you down. You should have all the proof you need in your last text that says it wasn't me. When do I ever make a mistake? When have I ever showed you who I really was?


It has been two days since my mother's murder, and you would think the news would find something better to talk about by now. I was sitting at the kitchen, trying to eat, my emotions have been all over the place. I hadn't felt like eating much. They kept running my mother's death over the news.

Dean and my father have been arguing all morning. My father wants to take us to his place now that Mom has passed away. Dean didn't want to let him, but I was unsure of what to say because my father now had more rights over us then Dean did. Oz walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table with me, grabbing an apple out of the bowl. We both ate and listened.

"I'm taking my kids!" Dad screamed at Dean. "I entrusted my family to you and now look what's happened. Amy is dead, Ivy has a stalker, and Ozzy, my only son, was shot. That is three for three, and you're done. I'm taking Ivy and Oz with me."

"I have been doing everything I can for them," Dean shot back. "They are not just you and Amy's kids anymore; they're mine too. I took care of them like they were my own and I love them to death. They are staying with me. Unlike you I am respected. I am Head Detective of the LA Police Department. You are a drug dealer. You may not leave any evidence of being one, but trust me, I know. Take these kids away from me, and I will take you down," Dean threatened. He was very scary and intimidating when he wanted to be.

"Don't threaten me, Dean. I'm getting really sick of this conversation. As their father, their real father, it is my right, and they are coming to stay with me."

"Will you two stop this bullshit!" Colin said. "Ivy and Oz can hear everything, you know. It is time for the funeral, shut up and get your asses ready."

He must have just come back from the store. All I heard after that was Dean and my father walking up the stairs, and then Colin walked into the kitchen. He took the seat beside me and pulled me into a hug.

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