Chapter Four, The Beach

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My family and I sat up most of the night even though I was getting tired. I wanted to know how they had been when I was gone. Mom told me about the mess Oz made in the basement, and she wasn't happy about it. Oz always had anger problems, and sometimes we had to send him down there so he didn't hurt himself or others. He had everything he needed, and he didn't really mind it because it was a place that he could go to let out his anger. He actually loved to be down there and agreed to be placed there when he had outbursts. Everyone knew that Ozzy should be placed in a psychiatric facility, but we just couldn't let him go, and all agreed to work with him.

When I was five years old, a kid accidentally pushed me over and Oz just started hitting him in the head with a rock. The boy was in the hospital for a night. Ozzy had to go see a therapist, and I learned never to piss off my brother.

The funny part of this story is that now that boy and Oz are best friends. Daryl still has the scar on his forehead. The doctors are unsure why Ozzy had these fits, but I don't mind. I trust him with my life, which is why I'm sitting in Oz's bedroom waiting for him to come up to bed.

I tried to sleep in my room but was too scared. I made sure to lock Oz's windows and for some reason the closet as well by pushing a chair in front of the door. I checked inside the closet six times.

My phone buzzed on the end table, and it was a text message from an unknown number.

You look beautiful tonight.

Maybe I should have asked Dean to stay home. I no longer felt safe, but I wasn't going to let my stalker get away with this. I knew it was him, I was hoping to have some peace with getting a new phone but I was just not that lucky. So, I sent the message to Dean just so he could keep track of what was going on.

I walked over to the window and looked outside. I thought he would be watching me from the security systems. Oz's windows face the street out front unlike mine, but I still saw two deer standing at the side of the road. I looked closer and saw a tall figure standing about ten feet away from the deer looking up into Oz's window, at me. I wasn't going to panic this time. Instead, I walked into Mom and Dean's room and got in their closet. I opened Dean's safe where he keeps his guns and ammo. He told Mom and I the code for it. Being as Ozzy has anger issues, he decided not to tell him about it.

I knew he didn't want to hurt me, but this had to stop. I then loaded up one of the guns, put it in the back of my jeans and walked out of the room. When walking down the stairs, I started to regret my choice. I pulled through it and made my way to the front door. I walked out of the house and saw the man still standing there. I wasn't sure what to do at that time. He usually would run off by now. I took a few deep breaths and walked a little closer. He still didn't move an inch, he just kept watching me come closer.

"You need to leave me alone," I shouted, I was 100% sure everyone heard me in the house.

"You look beautiful, Baby," he said ignoring me. His voice was deep, more profound than any I had heard before, which made me realize he was using some kind of device to cover up the sound of his real voice.

"I said you need to leave me alone!" I screamed.

I heard the door of the house hit the wall, and before either of us could speak again, Oz had tackled the man into the dirt. Punches were flying every which way, and as soon as I thought Oz had the upper hand, my stalker bent Oz's arm in a weird direction that caused an ungodly scream to come from his mouth. Then Oz stopped fighting and cradled his shoulder.

My stalker stopped and stared at me. He was wearing all black, including a black ski mask. He was also wearing contacts. His eyes were not a standard color; they were a deep purple.

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