Chapter Three, The search

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I had been at my father's place for three days now. For the most part everything was going well. Besides a few emails, I hadn't gotten anything from my stalker. No roses, no gifts, and no notes. Dad had James watching me continuously to make sure nothing happened to me after I told him the story. Oz had been over to visit a few times, and even Colin stopped by. I even got a surprise visit from Zac who heard from Ozzy that I was having issues. I wasn't expecting him, I normally only see him with Ozzy.

I was in my room at my dads' house getting ready for the day when I got a text message from Dean.

Hey, Little Red. How's thing's going, anything happening there?

I sent back a reply: No, I don't think my stalker knows where my dad lives.

"Ms. Turner, your father is asking for you," James said from the doorway.

James was a beefy man, tall, strong, and terrifying. He had long brown hair and blue eyes. He was your typical biker with a long beard and tattoos. Underneath his scary look, though, was a sweetheart, James was one hell of a guy and a great friend.

"All right, please let him know I will be down soon," I said.

"Yes, ma'am," James replied walking away. I shouted out a thank you and continued getting ready.

Dean had texted again: Not many people do know where he lives. It's a good place to hide even though I wish you would come home.

I didn't know what to say to him. I knew I wanted to go home, but I felt so much safer at my dad's house.

I ignored Dean's text message and started making my way to my father's office. I was staying in a huge building which was where my father also did business. He hid his illegal activities well. Emma followed me the whole way there, wagging her tail back and forth. Emma is my father's dog, a beautiful Golden Labrador that he had rescued. He wanted a companion after we all moved out, and when he saw Emma's face, he fell in love.

"Hey, Daddy. You wanted to see me?" I said.

"Yes. James, Mason, and Ryan have been looking into this stalker person for you. They have discovered a possible hiding place that he uses. Now, I could do this my way, but I figured Head Detective Walker might want to try his way first, could you contact him?"

I got excited. This might be it. It could all be over today if Dean could get it done.

"Yeah, I can give him a call. Can I get more information to give him?" I asked, taking a seat in the chair across from him.

"I had Mason hack into the security company's database. We searched through the system at Dean's home, and we realized it had been tampered with. So, we looked at the cameras leading away from Dean's house and spotted a hooded figure walking away and getting into a black SUV of some sort. We followed the man using the additional cameras the city had and watched him go into what looked like an abandoned building not far from Dean's. He came out minutes later, still covered but I'm pretty sure he is the man we are looking for."

"This is awesome. I'll call Dean straight away," I said excitedly, taking out my phone.

Dean answered on the second ring.

"Hey, Dad thinks he may have found my stalker's hideout," I said.

"How did Eric get this information?" he asked, suspiciously.

"I just told you that we might have found him, and your first question is that?"

"Ivy, I can't just go into this without evidence, unlike your lovely REAL father I have to do things legally," he said, making me angry.

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