Chapter 20

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(Y/N)'s POV

Kira: can't we just move somewhere else since those no talent bitches know where we live.

Kylie: it's best if we move now than getting the house more and more damaged.

(Y/N): please Justin. It's best because one day it would be worst than before and someone can get hurt.

Justin: alright.

Ryan: come on guys lets look for a house where it can fit 10,000 little Bieber's in it.

Everyone laugh expect me and Justin. Our faces was like red from embarrassment.

Kira: can I have a little Bieber from you two.?

Chaz: wait what?!? I though we was have our little Chaz and Kira's running around.

Kira: do you want our house in the future to be broken when they are kids to teenagers. Think about it.

Chaz: never mind then.

Justin: lets stop right there nobody is getting (Y/N) and mine babies expect us. And possibly my mom.

(Y/N): agreed. Now I'm leaving to have lunch with my dad and sadly mom and her new husband.

Justin: oh yeah. Lets to baby. You guys look for a new house while we are gone. And when you do find a house check the price please.

Ryan: fine.

Amy: have fun. No drama Justin. I don't want to watch either E! News or TMZ's bitch-ass saying you are having beef with your new in laws.

Justin: lets just hope they don't say something that might make me snap.

(Y/N): come on. If anything happen I'm calling you guys.

All: okay.

Justin and I left our house and drive to Tony's restaurant (made up) where we are meeting my parents for lunch.

The radio then played "Live My Life" by Far East Movement ft My Hubby.

(Y/N): I haven't heard this song is so long.

Justin: I can't believe I forgot this song.

(Y/N): I remember listing to this when we first me in Starbucks.

Justin: can't believe it been almost been half a year That we known each other and now look at us we are married and when there is no more drama we'll have a baby.

(Y/N): yeah. Justin there is something I want to tell you.

Justin: what is it baby? Something wrong?

(Y/N): oh no. Kinda. But before all this happen I was a foster mother for a 12 year old name Calvin. His mother let him at the police station with his stuff and signed papers that I had parental right for him. His mothers name is Vivian she pop pills, drinks non stop, always doing drugs. I first found Calvin when I was walking home from school and I seen him crying in front of a restaurant in dirty clothes and looked hungry. So I stopped and talked to him. So I took him in. His mother left him again for the billionth time. His mother saw that I was taking care of him so she left me with legal rights.

By the time I was finished we was at the restaurant and the car was off.

Justin: what happen next.

(Y/N): I was dating Rocky during that time the incident happened and his mother took him back with her lawyer with her and he was begging for me to get him but the police officers hold me back so I couldn't get him. He was crying and yelling for me. I wanted him so bad.

I was crying right now from the painful memory of Calvin being taken away from me.

Justin: where is he now.

(Y/N): with his mother. She killed someone so she's hiding here somewhere. With him.

Justin: don't worry we will try to find him.

(Y/N): thanks baby. Come on they are waiting.

Justin: okay.

We got out of the car, held hands and went inside the restaurant.I looked around for my parents.

Mom: darling over here.

I looked where I heard the yelling and I seen mom, brad, and my daddy :).

I pulled Justin's hand as I walk to my parents.

(Y/N): hi everyone.

Justin: hello

Said Justin trying to be nice toward my mother and Brad.

Dad: so how was the honeymoon pumpkin? Sorry it was short due to what happen with you know.

Mom: what happened.

Dad: well if you called her while her and Justin was together when it happened instead of not telling your own daughter your getting married while she's away.

Justin: Selena and her friends trashed our house while we was on our honeymoon.

Mom: that's just terrible. Well should of though if that before this all happen.

(Y/N): what do u mean by that??

Mom: I mean that not choose someone who is crazy before you marry my daughter so she doesn't go though this.

(Y/N): I had it bad with my ex Rocky. So don't put pressure on Justin. That is really rude on what you are saying to my husband.

Brad: don't talk to you'd mother like that.

(Y/N): oh shut the fuck up brad. You and my so called mother didn't even tell me you two was getting married at all. You had your children there. And I wasn't. You didn't even include your first born daughter to be in your wedding when you came to me at a sees fitting begging to be in my life again. And you was at my wedding and didnt bother to tell me at all. Some mother.

Justin: come on babe. You have enough stress on you now.

Dad: I'm leaving also. Have fun with your new family without MY daughter Angelina.

We left the restaurant with nothing but hate toward them.

(Y/N): Justin I'm going somewhere to calm down a bit okay.

Justin: okay baby see you in a bit. Call me when you wanted me to pick you up okay?

(Y/N): okay.

I knew the one place where I can truly calm down. The little house behind my dads house.

<<<<<<< 15 minutes later<<<<<<<

I was at the front door of the house. It still looked good after so long.

I opened it and seen the one person I haven't seen since the wedding.


He looked at me and got up. He's shirtless OH MY GOD!

He still looks good. What am I thinking I'm married.

Rocky: (Y/N) it's really you.

He said as he touched my cheek and closed the door behind me.

(Y/N): hi.

Rocky: I missed you so much.

He wrapped his arms behind me and pulled me toward him.

Do I still have feelings for Rocky? Or do I really don't actually love Justin.?

What's wrong with me right now

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