Chapter 23

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(Y/N)'s POV

Calvin: so I'm going to be a big brother?

Justin: yes Calvin. Tomorrow we will be going to the doctors and see how is the baby.

Calvin: can I come.?

(Y/N): nice try, you have that big test tomorrow you need to take.

Calvin: oh yeah. What's tomorrow's arrangement?

Justin: you go to school, while we go to the doctors, you can be here at home or at my moms.

Calvin: I'll go to grandma's. it's fun over there.

Justin: I bet it is. She miss living with someone since I moved out, now I'm married to someone I love, have you, and soon to have a new baby in the house.

(Y/N): I bet it is too. Come on what do you guys want for dinner?

Calvin: pizza

Justin: hot wings

(Y/N): okay looks like 3 pizzas and a lot of hot wings.

Calvin&Justin: YESS

(Y/N): you boys are weird. Okay from what place though? Pizza Hut? Dominos? What?

Calvin: Pizza Hut wings and pizza is the best.

(Y/N): okay Pizza Hut it is.! Now you two go do something while I call and place a order.

After I told Justin about being pregnant we called Pattie and my dad the news.

Both excited to have a grandchild. But we aren't telling my mom and Brad.

Pizza arrived 15 minutes later, we paid and tipped the pizza guy. He's pretty cute too ;)

We are sitting down in the dining room eating pizza. What a perfect little family memory.

E! News report

Jason: hello everyone I'm Jason Kennedy and today we have some shocking news.

G: and I'm G Ransick today we have amazing news that involves Justin Bieber and his beautiful wife (Y/N) and their adopted son Calvin.

Terence: yep I'm happy to say (Y/N) is pregnant.

Jason: last night Justin tweeted saying that " He's proud to announce that Calvin is going to be a big brother"

G: which only means (Y/N) and Justin will be welcoming a Baby Bieber to the world.

Terence: beliebers are so excited that Justin will be a father in months.

Jason: their parents are excited, but the only person that didnt about the news us (Y/N)'s mother Angelia Jolie Bitt.

G: Angelina didnt know her daughter was pregnant because (Y/N) hasn't talked to her in months after dissing Justin.

Terence: we will be updating in (Y/N)'s pregnancy and the family further one.

G: good night everyone.

Months has past and my bump is getting bigger. Justin and Calvin are close as ever, everyone is happy about a new baby coming.

I'm currently 6 months pregnant with twins!!!!

Yes twins. A boy and a girl. And no we do t have any names yet.

Here's some names we are thing of.



We are thinking about naming our boy Charlie and our girl Melanie. But we can't think of middle names.

Hopefully we find some before they are born.

Right now Calvin is in his room, Justin is watching the game while I'm in the kitchen making dinner.

My dad, Pattie and Jeremy is coming over for dinner, they all been busy so we decide to have a big family dinner.

Justin came up behind me and just put his hands on my big baby bump the contains our children.

Justin: I love you so so so much.

(Y/N): me too. And happy anniversary.

Justin: happy anniversary to you too babe.

Yes it's our first wedding anniversary, can't believe it been a while year since Justin and I got married.

Cant believe it been a year since we are married, feels good

Justin: can't believe we will be parents Ina few more months!

(Y/N): me too.

We kissed. There was so much passion and lust it was like a high school party.

Can life stay this good?


Sorry for the long wait again. But comment what you think that should happen next in the story!

Love the feedback! Love you all

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