Chapter 24

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Dinner time

(Y/N)'s POV

Pattie: so (Y/N) have you talked to your mom at all?

(Y/N): no. And I rather not pattie, she dis Justin in front of me and says that he's not worthy enough to be with me.

Dad: I never seen Angliena had that much disrespect for our daughter's marriage. She didn't bother to ask (Y/N) if she wants to be at her wedding with Brad.

Jeremy: with her saying that about Justin and ignoring (Y/N) after seeing her for the first time besides giving birth to her. She's not worth being a mother.

Then out of no where my phone rang. I took out my phone and looked at the caller I.D and its my so called mother.

I gave my phone to my dad.

Dad: speak of the devil.

Justin: she's calling?

(Y/N): yep.

Dad answer my phone.

(Y/N): Calvin are done?

Calvin: no

Justin: you can eat in the living room while we talk to someone okay?

Calvin: alright dad.

Calvin left the room with his plate.

Dad: Angliena why are you calling (Y/N)

Angliena Jolie's POV

A: can't I call my own daughter and see how she's doing?

Peter: Almost a whole year later?

A: look let me talk to her,

Peter: after you ignored her? You wanted to call when she's pregnant and have her lose the twins? Your out of our mind

A: PLEASE PETER! Let me talk to my daughter.

Peter hung up the phone. Oh great how am I going to talk to her now.

Brad: we need to divorce.

A: what??

Brad: your in love with Jack. This happens to all your co stars over the years. I guess Jen was right.

A: Brad please. I already lost my daughter, I can't loose you too.

Brad: I divorce Jen because of you. I CHEATED on her, and lied to her when me and her been married for what a damn year? And we divorced and suffers a miscarriage while I was with you.

A: okay what I done is bad but Brad please don't.

Brad: I'm sorry Angliena but I can't do this anymore. We're done.

That's when my heart broke. I lost my daughter because of my words and actions months ago, now I can't speak, see, see my daughter and my grandchildren. Plus I'm being divorced again.

I have to fix my life.

(Y/N)'s POV

(Y/N): I can't believe her! She thinks she can come back after she disrespect my husband?

Big fat no!!

Justin: babe calm down. Your stressing and it's effecting the twins

(Y/N): I'm sorry it's just why is she doing this? For fuck sake she knows I'm pregnant and if she use her mind it would put stress on me and that's what I don't want for the kids.

Dad: just ignore her for now pumpkin. She's not even a mother toward you since she came into your life a year ago at the wedding. We been doing great before your mother came into your life.

Pattie: he's right (Y/N) she's isn't a mother because she done nothing but hurt you the time she has been here.

(Y/N): I'm getting a new phone Tomorrow so she won't be calling me anymore.

Justin: great decision Hun.

Jeremy: it's already late so we all should get some rest.

Dad: great idea mainly what just happened. Goodnight.

We all said goodnight.

Calvin: night mom night dad.

Justin: goodnight Calvin.

(Y/N): goodnight Calvin

Calvin went to bed. Justin and I don't the same.

Hopefully after this we can forget everything that has happened.

Time passing <<9 months pregnant>>

I am now due to deliver the twins at any moment. They better hurry up cause they are causing Justin to freak out.

Right now he's out getting me some ice cream. What? Blame the twins they are craving it.

Justin; honey I'm home.

Calvin: mom please get him to stop playing that song

Calvin is talking about Nicki Minaj Anaconda.

(Y/N): I tired to get him to stop too honey. There is no way to make him stop.

All if sudden I felt all this sharp pain. I have been having these pains for a while now.

Justin: babe u okay?

(Y/N): yeah just the pains that's all.

Then I felt water coming out of me. That's when I knew my water broke.

(Y/N): Justin its time to bring the twins in.

Justin: shit. Calvin take your mom to the car I'll bring the bag.

We did what we done and now we are on our way to the hospital.

(Y/N): ready to be a dad?

Justin: yep lets bring the twins here.


The next part will skip the birth and toward the twins being born. Merry Christmas everyone and have a happy new year!!!!!!!

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