Chapter Eleven, Trip To Aunt's

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"Where have you been?" I asked Dean when he came in to check on me.

I had been up all night wondering what was going on. I slept in Ozzy's room. Well, tried to sleep. I was up watching TV and waiting for an update.

"Ever think I may have my own shit to do?" he yelled at me. Dean has never yelled at me before.

"I was scared. I could have used you here. He covered up his blood. They can't find him, Dean."

"I'm sorry, Honey. Next time I will check on you first. Instead of taking care of the things I needed to, you know, because there are other people out there who need me. Ones that actually tell me what is happening."

"If you don't want to help me anymore then fine, but I got information from my stalker about Moms' death. That is if you still care," I replied sarcastically.

"Yeah, you did something dangerous that you didn't need to do. I got the guy that killed Amy. His name is Robbie Johnson, I arrested him for selling drugs. He got 3 years in prison, and he was set on hurting me when he was released. That's where I was, after you decided to do something stupid. I was watching the others arrest him again, before I got the call from your father. I'm really disappointed in you," Dean yelled again, then left my room, slamming the door behind him.

Tears flooded down my face. I could have been smarter about things. I didn't understand why he was so mad at me, though. It's not like I was alone, it's not like I didn't have a plan. Not that my plan worked.

I stood in my room, staring at the wall thinking about Robbie. Dean hadn't told me much, just that he was the one who killed my mother by taking advantage of me having a stalker. I still had questions: what lead Dean to think it was Robbie? Questions that Dean was too angry to answer at the moment were rolling in my head. The stress of it all gave me a headache, but I still needed to know. I had to wait and talk to him later, after Dean had had time to calm down.

I went to lay back down when I heard a light tap on the window. I looked over, and Colin was asking me to let him in, which I did after I gave him a wicked scowl. I walked over and opened the window. "How did you get to my window unnoticed?" I asked.

"It's actually not that hard when you are not trying to sneak around. I just walked right to it. Really your dad has to up the security around here," he replied with a chuckle, and I wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm sure my dad knows you are here; he has cameras everywhere. He isn't stupid though, he most likely knows something is going on between us. He's just okay with it," I said,

Knowing my dad, Colin would have only made it this far if my dad was okay with him being here.

"Well then, I have nothing to worry about," he replied, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I just wanted to see you. Dean told me what happened last night, and I wanted to make sure you were okay," he replied.

"You shouldn't be here. I'm happy to see you, but I made a rule and I would like for you to follow it."

I heard a knock on my door and Colin hid behind my bed, he was so childlike sometimes. When the door opened my dad walked in. "Lisa is making breakfast, are you and Colin joining us?" he asked, and Colin peeked his head up over the bed to look at him before standing up.

"Hello, Mr. Turner," he said. "I promise, we were just talking."

"Hey, Colin. Next time use the door," Dad replied, staring him down. "I'm not worried, because I'm watching you like a hawk. So, are you two hungry?" he asked again, and we both nodded.

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