day one hundred and three

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Inko never expected her son to be in hospital. He was a perfectly healthy child: active and all. Not to mention his love for outdoor activites. The young teen loved to analyse and collect information on a hero. To be frank, if you were to mention anything about heroes, he would start fanboying as if there was no tomorrow. His most favourite hero of all: All Might. The symbol of peace. That same man was at the hospital visiting Izuku too. Toshinori was devastated to see the depressing state of his own pupil and successor- his 'son'. Though not biologically related, Toshinori thought of Izuku as his own child, seeing as neither had experienced a 'complete family' once in their lives: Toshinori lacked a child and Izuku had no memories with his own father to recall.
     Inko looked up from her lap to see the one and only Symbol of Peace standing at the doorway of Izuku's hospital room. She brightened up just a bit, but not enough that would make a smile tug at her normally-cheerful face.
     "He's still not awake?" asked the hero, closing the door behind him. He grabbed a chair and pulled it beside Izuku's bedside. He took a seat and stared sympathetically at the pale boy who was attatched to machines and IVs. His breathing was scarce, insufficient and lacking. Small breaths and wheezes filled their ears as the young teen struggled to breathe, only clinging on to life by the end of a thread thanks to the oxygen tank that he was hooked up to. What kind of misfortune could have landed upon the poor boy?
     Suddenly, the hospital room's door opened with a squeak escaping its hinges, revealing the Bakugou family with a bag in Mitsuki's right hand. She gestured for her husband and her son to stay quiet, and told them to quietly find a seat. Despite his own objections, All Might had to go and continue his hero duties, whether he liked it or not; though he would have preffered staying by the young Midoriya's side until he woke up.
     "How is he, Inko?" asked Mitsuki, placing a hand on her friend's shoulder. Inko felt tears build up in her eyes as she looked at her struggling son. She clasped her hands over her mouth and broke down into a fit of tears, repeatedly shaking her head and mumbling quiet apologies to her hospitalized son.
     Katsuki Bakugou sat quietly in the corner, observing the scene that unfolded before him. That was the twentieth time he had seen Aunt Inko break down into sobs like that; it hurt seeing her like that.

When they went home that day, having given the bento they had made for Inko whilst she stayed at the hospital waiting for her son to wake up, Bakugou made his way upstairs to his room. He shut the door behind him, and averted his eyes from the doorknob to the small, gift-wrapped package that sat on top of his desk. With one swift move, he grabbed it and held it in his hands, only giving a moment of hesitation before he removed the lid.

In the box was a small slip of paper that said The List of Kirishima's Likes and Dislikes by Izuku Midoriya and behind that small sheet of paper was a photograph that peeked out from under that list. He paid no attention to the list that Izuku had given him to use in order to help guide him towards the red haired boy's heart- instead, he took the photo and stared at it for a while, a flood of memories filling his empty brain.

"Kacchan?" called young Izuku Midoriya, tugging on the older's shirt. "Kacchan, I'm scared..."
     "Don't be scared, Izuku! Because I am here!" imitated the blonde, posing just like the number one hero. "I'll protect you, no matter what comes our way!"
     "P-promise?" sqeaked the little boy as he clutched tighter Katsuki's shirt.
     "I promise, Izuku." replied Katsuki, pulling the greenette into a comforting hug.
     "Thanks for being my hero, Kacchan." mumbled Izuku as he buried his face in Katsuki's chest.
     "Yeah, no problem Izuku." Katsuki sheepishly replied, smiling happily. "I'll always be your hero, right?"
     "Yeah. You'll always be my hero, no matter what happens, K-Kacchan!" squealed Izuku, blushing a bright red.

That's when realisation hit the blonde boy. He broke his promise.

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