day one hundred and twenty one

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you grabbed me by my wrist and dragged me outside the classroom to the rooftop. why the rooftop of all places? hm? answer me!

oh, right. this is my diary. i sometimes forget that. clumsy me!

when you took me by the wrist, i winced in pain. i felt my previous cuts sting and shriek at the contact. when you heard my small whimpers of pain, you let go and gave me- what appeared to be- a concerned look. a genuinely concerned look. since when did you ever care for a piece of trash like me? or is this your fake sympathy and fake care? you're gonna expose me again.

at least, that's what i thought.

i didn't expect you to pull me into a warm hug.

i felt secure in your arms, like i did when we were kids.

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