Chapter 39

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All the lights in the apartment are dimmed to a serene shade to provide the perfect in-city comfort with the street lights and navy blue hue of the evening sky. All the rooms are spick and span with the fresh aroma of Mediterranean Lavender from the candles that are placed on the coffee table and by the windows across our bed. I was beginning to enjoy and get used to the "practice" part of our future; that's how I've been putting it. This was all a temporary decision that will obviously be a permanent one in the future, and as far as living arrangement goes, I love it. I love being in his presence and hearing him laugh from the other room, I love the smell of his faint cologne that has threaded in my clothes, and most of all I love seeing him every time I turn. My obsession is fervent, but it's an obsession I'm obsessed with.

Harry's mumbled voice from behind the closed wooden door of our bedroom becomes clear-cut along with his padded footsteps, and once I look up from my homework, he opens the door completely centralized in the conversation he's having over the phone. I uncross my legs and slide my text book along with the other cluster of homework I have aside and stretch my arms, gaining his attention just for a split second before he turns back towards the window. I slowly move my neck to free any stiffness and watch his long finger trace the rim of the jar of the candle as the pinkie from the hand that's holding the phone to his ear falls victim to his nail biting habits.

"Yeah mum, I understand." He says watching the flame fidget from the wind through the cracked open window. His body is bare with the exception of his black Nike sweatpants that has the white line down the sides of the legs, and the time he's been spending at the gym is showing through his broad muscles. He has always been well built but I love the results he's been getting. " I get it, tomorrow after school....yeah I would hope so, it's been two weeks....yeah that's nice to hear...sure...okay," He sighs turning to face me and shakes his head in disapproval, "yeah, goodnight."

"Is everything okay?" I ask as he hangs up the phone and grips it while he strides to me. He showered a little while ago and his natural curls are extra bouncy from the air drying, falling just passed his collar bone so gracefully making it impossible not to admire. I love that little flip he's been doing. The quiff has been long gone for a while now, he just seems to add a wave-like toss and I love it.

"I'm alright." He lies standing at the foot of the bed. "Are you done with your homework?"

"Yeah." I wonder why his relationship with his mom is spiralling down. When we first met, they were always so playful and loving around each other and now it's like every time they're on the phone, he gets an attitude or forces a conversation. It's really sad seeing that happen and I'm dreading when she tells him she's moving.

"Did you pack everything?" He begins to collect my books and papers, neatly stacking them and carrying them back to my bag on the dresser and places them all inside. After we went to the park, his mood suddenly dropped. I think it was because of the conversation we had in the car about my parents not allowing me to live with him, but he's been quiet and to himself.

"Yeah, everything is by the door." I packed all of my clothes, perfumes and lotions, and all of my things so that when we leave tomorrow morning, we can put it in the trunk so that after school I can take it to my house without driving back here. My parents obviously don't know about the apartment so I need to figure out how to sneak five bags to my room without them noticing. They're not really good at noticing things anyway, so I'll probably get away with it.

"Good." He walks to the windows and blows out the candles, the smoke twirling and spreading off the wick into the air. The smell of the Lavender and smoke combine in a strong scent that immediately fills the room, but the second Harry crosses over and sits on the bed beside me, the smell of him overpowers it all. "I'm so tired." He says taking off his socks while I lift my body to pull the covers down from over the pillows.

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