Not So Average

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Jane POV

After we went back home we sat on the couch for a second then I decided to take a nice hot shower. I started walking into the bathroom and then I started to get undressed when I heard the door open the close. I only had my jeans still on so I was wearing nothing on my upper half of my body so if was a stranger I would have to cover up. Once I was about to turn around I am picked up by the waist and swung around. Then feel my lips touch to Jeff's. After he stops kissing me I say-

"Oh its just you I thought it might have been someone else."

"No I would never let someone else see you naked. Only I can."

As he takes off his shirt. I just continue to take off my pants then my panties. After the water is warm is step in the shower. Then he steps in after me. I put my arms around his neck and kissed his chin.

"I love you."

"And I love you too."

Then he kisses me again. After the shower he grabs the towel and wraps us both in it. Then we wadle over to the bed and we jump in the bed. I grabbed the blankets and pulled them over us. I feel him kiss my forehead goodnight then I fall asleep.

Jeff POV

I love Jane a lot. She is the only girl I know that actually stayed with me and understands me. What's funny is at first she wanted to kill me but now we are here. Sleeping naked in the same bed. I will protect her with my life. I will not let her get hurt.

As we wake up she gets up and starts to get some actual clothes on. I decide to do the same thing. She then hurries to the kitchen and starts making breakfast.

" I hope you like french toast."

" Mmmm... that sounds good."

I walk behind her and put my arms around her hips. And we start swaying side to side. I close my eyes and start listening to everything going on around me. The toasting of the bread. The beat of her heart. The wind blowing out side. Then I hear something that made me flinch but then it goes away.

"Are you okay." She must have asked because of my flinching.

" Yeah I'm okay."

After she finishes we grab the plates and start eating.

After we were done I flinch again. I don't know why. The a blade comes flying through the room and stabs into the wall. We both immediately get our knives and shoes and we run out side. There was a man standing there wearing a trench coat and had a red streak down the left side of his face.

"So you 2 are the killers. Not impressive."

He then points the palm of his hand at us and a blade appears then fires. We block each shot with our knives the try to run around him so we can get him from both sides. Once we start running at him he stopped moving then once we swung at him he disappeared. Then he reappeared to our left in the air. He started shooting again. I jumped in front of Jane to protect her. I took about 6 blades to the back but that wouldn't stop me after all I have fought Slender Man before.

"Are you okay?"

I didn't respond.


I turned around to face the guy.

"Who are you!?"

"I am the one who has always hated you. Now you have a girlfriend which you don't deserve."

That made me shudder at the thought of 'Maybe I shouldn't have Jane apart of my life.' Then I came to reality 'Jane decided to stay with me. She doesn't have to stay. She could have left long ago but didn't.'

"Your right. Someone like me doesn't deserve a girl as beautiful as her... But I can still try!"

I throw my knife at him but he grabs it.

"Is this the best you can do?"

"No. But it cause a distraction."


Jane then stabs him from his back and I jump up and grab my knife and shove it up through his face.

"Damn you."

He falls to the ground and for some reason turns to ashes and blows away.

"Woah what was that about?"

"I don't know but it doesn't sit right in my stomach."

" Well what ever it was its gone now."


"Now let's get you cleaned up."

" I'm okay I just need the knives taken out of my back. I can heal the rest."

"If you say so."

Then we walk back inside.

Jeff x Jane the Killer (Ended)Where stories live. Discover now