A new day

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The lands of Sparta. Home of the world's greatest warriors has even known, they were called Spartans. They would always come back with great victories from war led by their general known as the mighty Kratos. The king, Leonidas would always have a feast of mead and wine to celebrate Kratos’s victories to bring the glory of Sparta in his brother's honor. But the one thing he would enjoy more than anything else in the world was to be with his wife Lysandra and young daughter Calliope. Dawn approached as Kratos had returned home from another campaign while dismounting off a white horse. The marked warrior was dressed in his dominus armor. A young girl with a green tunic dress and braided hair climbs into his father's awaiting arms of embrace. Something Kratos had always missed for a while.

"Daddy." Calliope says with happiness in her voice.

"I have missed you child." Kratos replied with a soft voice with compassion. His wife Lysandra approached them as Kratos stood up and kiss his wife.

"Lord Kratos. You have been long absent, another victory has been claimed?"

"Another victory for you and Calliope."

Lysandra smiles at her husband, seeing him return with glory from another campaign once again like always. The spartan woman had missed her husband dearly. All three of them were interrupted by a Spartan solider.

"My lord, we have made a discovery."

"Be quick with your words." Kratos replied back getting tired of the interruptions.

"We have found a young child located with in the shores of Sparta, we believe he is barbarian. Barley alive."

"Barbarian?" Kratos muttered to himself, "Bring him to me. I would see for myself."

"As you wish my Lord." The Spartan kneeled in respect as he walks away back to the city. Moments later, a few Spartan soliders approached the house of General Kratos. They were dragging a young boy who what looks to be at the age of twelve much older than Kratos’s daughter, a four-year age diffrence. The Spartans dragged the boy by his arms while another Spartan was carrying the weapons the boy had with him was a bow and quiver filled with arrows. The boy's tunic had scratches, and blood showing that he was beaten by someone and his face had been slightly bloody and beaten, he also had a scar on his right eye that was just like Kratos’. Something else was not right with the boy as his entire body only shown from his face and hands were completely white.

"Release him." Kratos ordered his soliders as they let go of their grip making the boy fall forward to the ground. Kratos informed his followers to leave them. They do so without hesitation. Kratos kneels down to the boy who was on the ground trying to get back up, "Who are you Barbarian? And what are you doing here in Sparta?"

"I-I'm not a Barbarian. I lived in a different land far from here."

"You lie!"

"I'm telling the truth!" The child protested, looking up at the general still trying to get up but couldn't while not showing any signs of fear in his face but soon enough he started to cough out blood.

"Kratos." Lysandra approached her husband with Calliope by her side, "We should help him."

Kratos sighs, "Fine."

The boy continued to rise from the dirt, his arms were sore and so was his body. Calliope felt something inside of her telling her to help him. She did so anyway. Calliope walks to him as she kneels down next to the boy. The little spartan girl wraps her arm around his waist and places the palm of her other hand on his chest to give him support. Seeing how tall the boy was compared to her, he was about only an inch taller than her.

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