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Atreus was on set sitting on a chair as Sparta was being seen in the background. The camera crew was keeping the camera straight where Atreus's face and chest was seen. The interviewer was sitting on another chair in front of Atreus to interview him.

Atreus, Ghost of Scandinavia interview

Interviewer: So Atreus, what is it that you found interesting when you turn into beast form on set?

Atreus: Well the thing I found interesting on becoming beast form or Berserker form; That's an alternative name for beast form by the way. It's when I turn into a wild and savage animal I lose control of what's left of all my humanity. The emotion that I only feel is nothing but anger and rage. But I'm still a human being on the inside. I just want to become a protective brother figure to my adopted sister Calliope since I couldn't protect Cassandra and my other two siblings. The beast form is a tool of destruction and power, and when I couldn't pull it off the first time I wanted to give up and when I saw the movies "Split" and "Glass" James McAvoy's beast/Horde form and liev Schreiber's sabertooth and Huge Jackmen's Wolverine role from "X-men Origins Wolverine" inspired me and that moment I knew I didn't want to give up on making this film.

( Link to James McAvoy's Beast/Horde form.

( Link to liev Schreiber's info on Sabertooth

Quote from Atreus at the end of chapter 5, "Every beast will be slain upon our path. We will face the hordes of Ares until he comes out of hiding. Protect all of Greece from the evils of the world, and the god of war shall weep for his suffering."

Atreus: And another thing that I love about taking the role of Atreus is that I love trying to find the humanity in somebody. He just runs down this endless dark road on pain, loss, abuse, and suffering but the family that he truly needs to what guides him to this majestic light. And once they bring him back into reality he slowly embraces his enemies and loved ones and realizes there is a much more bigger purpose to what he's put on this earth to do.

After Atreus says the last sentence an image comes up as he runs towards his enemies with the blades of Valhalla in both of hands and smirks as he way of saying, "I will kill them all." as the screen fades to black.

Calliope's interview.

Interviewer: Calliope, how is it working on set with Atreus?

Calliope: It's great actually. Even though Atreus is bit rough around the edges most of the time but in reality and in acting he's very sweet and funny.

Interviewer: That's nice. Um, what was it that when Atreus first came into set making this story and telling his past.

Calliope: I was feeling remorse for Atreus and his family. What his father did over to the years in his childhood was completely insane. And when Atreus told me that he lost his family the day after his father died was what crushed me. The way how I feel when I'm with Atreus is that he trying to seek redemption for what he couldn't save in his past. And what funny about it is that I've always wanted a sibling and now I do. Atreus treats me the way how he treats Cassandra. Atreus is just human and he wants to start over... Mainly that what I think when I'm filming with Atreus.

Interviewer: I see. Anyway that was a very good explanation Calliope.

Calliope: Thank you so much.

Calliope and the Interviewer both shake hands in respect.

Lysandra and Kratos' interview.

Interviewer: So Lysandra and Kratos, it's an honor to meet you guys by the way. So how is it filming on set when this story reflects on Atreus's past?

Lysandra: When I first heard of Atreus telling his own past I was shaken with fear and sadness. I have never felt like that in years since Calliope was about to be thrown off of Sparta's cliffside but when my husband saved her I was beyond filled with happiness. When Atreus avenged his family's killers I was happy for him, and it was Calliope that brought back his humanity because she reminded him of Cassandra.

Kratos: I would have reason to agree with my wife's words. Even when I became the Ghost of Sparta people weren't taking of my tale but instead they chose Atreus's story of how he became The Ghost of Scandinavia and his beast form is what terrifies the people and gods. But he only needs the comfort of family.

Interviewer: That is true, hands down.

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