The Stranger

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Days have gone by as Atreus had been getting a little closer with the Greek gods even though he still blames them for not having enough power to take away his nightmares. Learning all their background history and of the great war. Zeus had explained to Atreus about the evils that he sensed in the box, they were the evils of the great war that he casted into the box after the Titans defeat. Since the Pandora's box was never opened after Atreus had retrieved it, it was put in the flame of Olympus were the evils can never be released.

Calliope had been on her flute playing her melody as always. Lysandra and Kratos were training together a circular the battle arena. As for Mimir who was just talking with Athena, sharing each other's wisdom and stories.

Atreus had just been walking around the great halls of Olympus, looking at the paintings of every greek god in the chamber the flame. What caught his eye was a painting of Ares the original god of war. Atreus casted a fire sphere projectile and burned the painting until he saw nothing but ash.

"Hmph, puny god." Atreus continues to roam around the mountain, he walks to the edge of the Dias, looking at the land below him.

"Atreus." A voice called to him from behind which caused the boy to turn around to see who it was and it was none other then Calliope.

"Calliope." Atreus says back to her with a smile. The Spartan girl smiled back as she stood next to him as they stare at the sun raising on the horizon. It was a beautiful sight. Atreus wrapped his arm around Calliope as she placed her head on Atreus's shoulder.

"My family and I would always watch the sun rise every single day."

"My family would do the same thing, Atreus."

They both shared looks to one another before they continued to look back at the sun. Both of them headed to the gladiator battle arena where Lysandra and Kratos were training. Lysandra took Kratos down to the ground as she impaled her spear to the sands to help her husband get back to his feet.

Atreus and Calliope just watch from the amphitheatre seats as the pale giant chuckles, "I'm sure he let her win."

Calliope laughs, "I was thinking the same, brother."

Suddenly they all hear a dragon roar coming from above as a small figure landed on the ground in front of Lysandra and Kratos. The Spartans readied themselves as the figure stood straight.

"Who are you?" Kratos asked the small bearded man with the blue runic tattoos.

"You might know the answer to that." The man replies mischievously.

"Whatever it is that you are looking for, we don't have it. You should continue to move on." Lysandra said to the man as she and Kratos turned around to walk to the gates but his laugh stopped there tracks.

"You have a young giant here. Bring him to me and you'll live. The Aesir want nothing to do with you, all they want is the boy. It that clear enough for you-"

"Looking for me!" Atreus called out behind the Stranger just a few feet away.

"Ah, you are the one that survived against Thor."

Atreus crossed his arms, "So you know who I am?"

"Of course. All of us do. We would be delighted to meet you."

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