Bloopers and Behind the Scenes

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Filming on set with Atreus and Calliope on the boat in ch.4: Atreus was feeling motion sickness, he runs to the side of the boat but when he grabs on the support, he accidentally falls off the boat landing in the water as his white painted skin was changing the water color. The crew was laughing none stop. This happened 4 times in a row.

Calliope: (Laughing) Come on. How can you not simply hang on to the side?

Calliope helps Atreus get back on the boat still soaking wet.

Atreus: (Sarcastically) Well why don't you try it out.

Atreus just walks away in frustration, leaving Calliope and the camera crew laughing it off.


Atreus was in the makeup room getting his skin in a pale white color while being recorded.

Atreus: I swear this takes like long time to dry up to my skin.

Calliope: It's not all that bad. In the next set you wont have to have pale skin for a while.

Atreus: True. And the sad things is, is that I'll only do this one more time. I'm not used to having pale skin.

Calliope: Ah, I believe you'll get used to it. Want to play Uno?

Atreus: Yeah sure.

Nearly three games have went on and Atreus was already having a metal breakdown, Calliope had won three games and Atreus just kept on getting plus foured over and over.


Calliope: (laughs while covering her mouth) It's not on me, blame the game. And you were the one who maxed up the cards so this is on you.

Atreus: I swear if I get plus foured one more time, I will lose it.

Calliope draws another card from the deck and she covers her mouth and stares at the card she held woth wides.

Atreus: No don't you dare! I'm warning you!

Calliope puts down a plus four once again before running out the break room. Atreus screams in rage as he went full beast mode and gave chase after Calliope while on all fours and roars, leaping over the camera crew, and the side of the walls and Calliope screams in horror trying get away from Atreus as the camera crew was laughing.


The camera crew was on set with ch.5 as Atreus faced the camera with Cassandra giving her a side hug with a smile.

Atreus: ok guys this chapter 5, as we are about to start recording of me getting all emotional with seeing my little sister again. This is Cassandra, say hi to the camera.

Cassandra: (Waving her hand in front of the camera) Hi

At the scenes where Calliope, Lysandra, and Kratos are held the cage put there by the furies as fake Atreus came out of nowhere, he started to bend the bars but midway he for some weird reason does a laugh sounding like Mark Hamill's joker.

Atreus: (Laughing) Oh wait what am I doing!

The rest of the set was laughing after what they saw, even Calliope, Lysandra, and Kratos were giving some laughs as well.

Calliope: Dude you sounded like the joker! What was that!

Atreus: I don't know what that was! Jeez I'm not trying to be the clown prince of choas. Delete that footage!

Lysandra: That is Oscar worthy right there. and that's going in the bloopers.

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